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Naylor, Dan; Sadler, Natalie; Bhattacharjee, Arunima; Graham, Emily B.; Anderton, Christopher R.; McClure, Ryan; Lipton, Mary; Hofmockel, Kirsten S. et al. (2020). «Soil Microbiomes Under Climate Change and Implications for Carbon Cycling». Annual Review of Environment and Resources45: 29-59. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-012320-082720.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda) Material was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Panagos, Panos; Ballabio, Cristiano; Yigini, Yusuf; Dunbar, Martha B. (2013). «Estimating the soil organic carbon content for European NUTS2 regions based on LUCAS data collection». Science of the Total Environment442: 235-246. Bibcode:2013ScTEn.442..235P. PMID23178783. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.017.
Lugato, Emanuele; Panagos, Panos; Bampa, Francesca; Jones, Arwyn; Montanarella, Luca (1 de enero de 2014). «A new baseline of organic carbon stock in European agricultural soils using a modelling approach». Global Change Biology20 (1): 313-326. Bibcode:2014GCBio..20..313L. ISSN1365-2486. PMID23765562. doi:10.1111/gcb.12292.
Lugato, Emanuele; Panagos, Panos; Bampa, Francesca; Jones, Arwyn; Montanarella, Luca (1 de enero de 2014). «A new baseline of organic carbon stock in European agricultural soils using a modelling approach». Global Change Biology20 (1): 313-326. Bibcode:2014GCBio..20..313L. ISSN1365-2486. PMID23765562. doi:10.1111/gcb.12292.
Panagos, Panos; Ballabio, Cristiano; Yigini, Yusuf; Dunbar, Martha B. (2013). «Estimating the soil organic carbon content for European NUTS2 regions based on LUCAS data collection». Science of the Total Environment442: 235-246. Bibcode:2013ScTEn.442..235P. PMID23178783. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.017.
Lugato, Emanuele; Panagos, Panos; Bampa, Francesca; Jones, Arwyn; Montanarella, Luca (1 de enero de 2014). «A new baseline of organic carbon stock in European agricultural soils using a modelling approach». Global Change Biology20 (1): 313-326. Bibcode:2014GCBio..20..313L. ISSN1365-2486. PMID23765562. doi:10.1111/gcb.12292.