Lardinois, Frederic (12 de noviembre de 2018). «The Ceph storage project gets a dedicated open-source foundation»(html). TechCrunch(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 12 de noviembre de 2018. Consultado el 13 de noviembre de 2018. «These days, you can’t have a successful open source project without setting up a foundation that manages the many diverging interests of the community and so it’s maybe no surprise that Ceph is now getting its own foundation. Like so many other projects, the Ceph Foundation will be hosted by the Linux Foundation.»
Lardinois, Frederic (12 de noviembre de 2018). «The Ceph storage project gets a dedicated open-source foundation»(html). TechCrunch(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 12 de noviembre de 2018. Consultado el 13 de noviembre de 2018. «These days, you can’t have a successful open source project without setting up a foundation that manages the many diverging interests of the community and so it’s maybe no surprise that Ceph is now getting its own foundation. Like so many other projects, the Ceph Foundation will be hosted by the Linux Foundation.»