«Claire Lehmann»(en inglés). Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 7 de julio de 2014. Consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018. «Claire Lehmann is a freelance writer and editor of Quillette Magazine.»
Macken, Deirdre (19 de julio de 2018). «Centre stage in the culture war». The Australian. Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018. «Last August, 'everything changed' when Lehmann published a story about the sacking of Google engineer James Damore, who had written an internal memo criticising the company’s push for diversity and what he called “an ideological echo chamber”. She had commissioned four scientists to review Damore’s comments, mostly favourably, and the story was published just as he was sacked.»
Macken, Deirdre (19 de julio de 2018). «Centre stage in the culture war». The Australian. Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018. «Last August, 'everything changed' when Lehmann published a story about the sacking of Google engineer James Damore, who had written an internal memo criticising the company’s push for diversity and what he called “an ideological echo chamber”. She had commissioned four scientists to review Damore’s comments, mostly favourably, and the story was published just as he was sacked.»
Lehmann, Claire. «BIO». Claire Lehmann. Archivado desde el original el 29 de octubre de 2020. Consultado el 1 de octubre de 2018. «Before starting Quillette, I was a grad-student in psychology, but dropped out after having a baby. I graduated from The University of Adelaide with First Class Honours in 2010.»
Airaksinen, Toni (9 de agosto de 2017). «Libertarian Site Suffers DDoS Attack After Supporting Google Worker». PJ Media. Archivado desde el original el 18 de agosto de 2017. Consultado el 17 de agosto de 2017. «Quillette Magazine, a small but respected libertarian publication based in Australia, suffered a DDoS attack Tuesday after publishing an article supportive of James Damore, the fired Google memo writer.»
Macken, Deirdre (19 de julio de 2018). «Centre stage in the culture war». The Australian. Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018. «Last August, 'everything changed' when Lehmann published a story about the sacking of Google engineer James Damore, who had written an internal memo criticising the company’s push for diversity and what he called “an ideological echo chamber”. She had commissioned four scientists to review Damore’s comments, mostly favourably, and the story was published just as he was sacked.»
Macken, Deirdre (19 de julio de 2018). «Centre stage in the culture war». The Australian. Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018. «Last August, 'everything changed' when Lehmann published a story about the sacking of Google engineer James Damore, who had written an internal memo criticising the company’s push for diversity and what he called “an ideological echo chamber”. She had commissioned four scientists to review Damore’s comments, mostly favourably, and the story was published just as he was sacked.»
«Claire Lehmann». The Guardian(en inglés). Consultado el 1 de octubre de 2018. «Claire Lehmann is a Sydney-based freelance writer. Her work has appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald, Harvard Kennedy School Review, and has been translated into Spanish for Tercera Cultura.»
«Claire Lehmann || ARCHIVES». The Rebel Media(en inglés). Consultado el 1 de octubre de 2018. «Claire has written op-eds and feature articles for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian, ABC’s The Drum, and Quillette. Her essays have also been cited in the National Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Australian, and The Spectator.»
Lehmann, Claire. «BIO». Claire Lehmann. Archivado desde el original el 29 de octubre de 2020. Consultado el 1 de octubre de 2018. «Before starting Quillette, I was a grad-student in psychology, but dropped out after having a baby. I graduated from The University of Adelaide with First Class Honours in 2010.»
Airaksinen, Toni (9 de agosto de 2017). «Libertarian Site Suffers DDoS Attack After Supporting Google Worker». PJ Media. Archivado desde el original el 18 de agosto de 2017. Consultado el 17 de agosto de 2017. «Quillette Magazine, a small but respected libertarian publication based in Australia, suffered a DDoS attack Tuesday after publishing an article supportive of James Damore, the fired Google memo writer.»
Wooley, Charles (26 de agosto de 2018), Age of outrage: Part one - Science proves we’re getting high on hate (Television production), Willoughby, New South Wales: 60 Minutes Australia, escena en 4:07, 6h_4_lEm5fY, consultado el 2 de octubre de 2018, «She's the editor of Quillette an online magazine she started up to give voice to writers shunned by the mainstream media.».