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Ströhle, Jochen; Orth, Matthias; Epple, Bernd (January 2014). «Design and operation of a 1MWth chemical looping plant». Applied Energy113: 1490-1495. ISSN0306-2619. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.09.008.
Fan, Liang-Shih; Zeng, Liang; Wang, William; Luo, Siwei (2012). «Chemical looping processes for CO2 capture and carbonaceous fuel conversion – prospect and opportunity». Energy & Environmental Science(en inglés)5 (6): 7254. ISSN1754-5692. doi:10.1039/c2ee03198a.
Bayham, Samuel; McGiveron, Omar; Tong, Andrew; Chung, Elena; Kathe, Mandar; Wang, Dawei; Zeng, Liang; Fan, Liang-Shih (May 2015). «Parametric and dynamic studies of an iron-based 25-kW th coal direct chemical looping unit using sub-bituminous coal». Applied Energy145: 354-363. ISSN0306-2619. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.02.026.
Bayham, Samuel C.; Kim, Hyung R.; Wang, Dawei; Tong, Andrew; Zeng, Liang; McGiveron, Omar; Kathe, Mandar V.; Chung, Elena et al. (8 de marzo de 2013). «Iron-Based Coal Direct Chemical Looping Combustion Process: 200-h Continuous Operation of a 25-kWth Subpilot Unit». Energy & Fuels(en inglés)27 (3): 1347-1356. ISSN0887-0624. doi:10.1021/ef400010s.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Chung, Cheng; Pottimurthy, Yaswanth; Xu, Mingyuan; Hsieh, Tien-Lin; Xu, Dikai; Zhang, Yitao; Chen, Yu-Yen; He, Pengfei et al. (December 2017). «Fate of sulfur in coal-direct chemical looping systems». Applied Energy208: 678-690. ISSN0306-2619. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.09.079.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Tong, Andrew; Bayham, Samuel; Kathe, Mandar V.; Zeng, Liang; Luo, Siwei; Fan, Liang-Shih (January 2014). «Iron-based syngas chemical looping process and coal-direct chemical looping process development at Ohio State University». Applied Energy113: 1836-1845. ISSN0306-2619. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.05.024.
Tong, Andrew; Sridhar, Deepak; Sun, Zhenchao; Kim, Hyung R.; Zeng, Liang; Wang, Fei; Wang, Dawei; Kathe, Mandar V. et al. (January 2013). «Continuous high purity hydrogen generation from a syngas chemical looping 25kWth sub-pilot unit with 100% carbon capture». Fuel103: 495-505. ISSN0016-2361. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2012.06.088.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)