Condado de Loon (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Condado de Loon" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
8,566th place
9,059th place
1,422nd place
2,920th place
102nd place
516th place
low place
low place
666th place
751st place
2nd place
2nd place

  • Avernas and its boundary with Hufte/Huste is mentioned in the already cited charter of 958/9. It is also mentioned as being ruled by a Count Rudolf in a charter which is reproduced in Hackeng, Het middeleeuwse grondbezit van het Sint-Servaaskapittel te Maastricht in de regio Maas-Rijn, nr. 21, 271 pdf; and Beyer et al. eds., Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der jetzt die Preussischen Regierungsbezirke Coblenz und Trier bildenden mittelrheinischen Territorien, 1, nr.184, 246 link.

  • Charter of 952: MGH DD Otto I p.235
  • Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium, lib. III, ch. 5, M.G.H., SS., t. vii, p. 467-468.
  • MGH DD H III 35 p.45 (comitatum Arnoldi comitis nomine Haspinga in pago Haspingowi).

  • There are many mentions of the relationship, and medieval forgeries were often wholly or partly based on older real documents.Kupper (1981): "Les documents qui éclairent les origines du prélat — documents diplomatiques faux ou suspects, sources narratives très tardives — sont loin d’offrir toutes les garanties. Nous estimons cependant que leur témoignage se fait l’écho d’une tradition basée sur la réalité." Vaes, following Baerten, emphasizes that in 1031, Bishop Reginard, Balderic II's successor, describes a grant made in the previous generation where Gislebert was named as both brother to Balderic and count of Loon. Kupper says that this document is also a false copy, though probably based on an older real act. "Cet acte est un faux qui se base probablement sur un document de 1026-1028" Kupper, Jean-Louis (1981), Liège et l'Église impériale aux XIe-XIIe siècles, Presses universitaires de Liège, ISBN 9782821828681, doi:10.4000/books.pulg.1472 . Kupper, Jean-Louis (1981), Liège et l'Église impériale aux XIe-XIIe siècles, Presses universitaires de Liège, ISBN 9782821828681, doi:10.4000/books.pulg.1472 .

  • Dating of 958/9: Dierkens, A., ‘Quelques réflexions sur l'abbaye de Saint-Trond à la fin du IXe et au Xe siècle’, In: Studia Adriaan Verhulst (1995) 371 note 54. The charter is transcribed in the Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Trond Piot edition, Volume 1, pp.6-7
  • Gestorum Abbatem Trudonensium Continuatio Tertia 1007, MGH SS X, p.382
  • See Jongbloed (2008) "Flamenses" Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelre p.50. The primary source mentioning Otto is the Gestorum Abbatem Trudonensium Continuatio Tertia 1007, MGH SS X, p. 382. Jongbloed proposed the existence of this Otto son of Bertha based on witness lists.

  • Avernas and its boundary with Hufte/Huste is mentioned in the already cited charter of 958/9. It is also mentioned as being ruled by a Count Rudolf in a charter which is reproduced in Hackeng, Het middeleeuwse grondbezit van het Sint-Servaaskapittel te Maastricht in de regio Maas-Rijn, nr. 21, 271 pdf; and Beyer et al. eds., Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der jetzt die Preussischen Regierungsbezirke Coblenz und Trier bildenden mittelrheinischen Territorien, 1, nr.184, 246 link.

  • There are many mentions of the relationship, and medieval forgeries were often wholly or partly based on older real documents.Kupper (1981): "Les documents qui éclairent les origines du prélat — documents diplomatiques faux ou suspects, sources narratives très tardives — sont loin d’offrir toutes les garanties. Nous estimons cependant que leur témoignage se fait l’écho d’une tradition basée sur la réalité." Vaes, following Baerten, emphasizes that in 1031, Bishop Reginard, Balderic II's successor, describes a grant made in the previous generation where Gislebert was named as both brother to Balderic and count of Loon. Kupper says that this document is also a false copy, though probably based on an older real act. "Cet acte est un faux qui se base probablement sur un document de 1026-1028" Kupper, Jean-Louis (1981), Liège et l'Église impériale aux XIe-XIIe siècles, Presses universitaires de Liège, ISBN 9782821828681, doi:10.4000/books.pulg.1472 . Kupper, Jean-Louis (1981), Liège et l'Église impériale aux XIe-XIIe siècles, Presses universitaires de Liège, ISBN 9782821828681, doi:10.4000/books.pulg.1472 .