EFE (29 de noviembre de 2010). «Inicia COP-16 en Cancún». La Crónica de Hoy. Archivado desde el original el 21 de julio de 2013. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2010.
UNFCCC, Decision 2/CP.11, "The Conference of the Parties requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to review and report on the programme of work to the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session (December 2010)."
The Copenhagen Decisions, Proposal by the African Group "The COP shall adopt the rules and modalities for operationalization of the framework and its bodies, with a view to finish its work at the latest by the COP16" 12 de diciembre de 2009
UNFCCC, COP14 decisions, Dates and venues of future sessions, "The Conference of the Parties notes that in keeping with the principle of rotation among regional groups, and in the light of recent consultations among the groups, the President of the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties would come from the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean"
UNFCCC, Draft decision -/CP.15 , Dates and venues of future sessions "The Conference of the Parties (...) decides to accept with appreciation the offer by the Government of Mexico to host the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol from 29 November 2010 to 10 December 2010, subject to confirmation by the Bureau that all logistical, technical and financial elements for hosting the sessions are available, in conformity with General Assembly resolution 40/243, and subject to the successful conclusion of a Host Country Agreement;
UNFCCC, The Secretariat "Since August 1996, the secretariat has been located in Bonn, Germany." (en inglés)
UNFCCC, Meetings "The intergovernmental negotiation process primarily encompasses the Conference of the Parties (COP), the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), Subsidiary Bodies meetings and a series of workshops. The COP is the supreme body of the Convention"
EFE (29 de noviembre de 2010). «Inicia COP-16 en Cancún». La Crónica de Hoy. Archivado desde el original el 21 de julio de 2013. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2010.
Órganos de la Convención "La CP se reúne todos los años, a no ser que las Partes decidan lo contrario. La CP se reúne en Bonn, sede de la Secretaría, salvo cuando una Parte se ofrece como anfitrión de la sesión. Lo mismo que la Presidencia de la CP, rota entre las cinco regiones reconocidas de las Naciones Unidas, a saber, África, Asia, América Latina y el Caribe, Europa central y oriental y Europa occidental y Otros Estados –hay una tendencia a que el lugar de reunión de la CP vaya alternando también entre esos grupos. "