Cottaging (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cottaging" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
3rd place
7th place
5th place
10th place
6th place
5th place
8th place
18th place
11th place
79th place
12th place
30th place
2nd place
2nd place
57th place
3rd place
367th place
1,245th place
3,421st place
214th place
507th place
448th place

  • Ware, James Redding (1909). Passing English of the Victorian era (en inglés). ISBN 0-85409-932-8. (requiere suscripción). 
  • Schofield, Michael George; Westwood, Gordon (1960). A minority: a report on the life of the male homosexual in Great Britain (en inglés). p. 74. «Most homosexuals regard 'cottaging' as very sordid and look down upon those who resort to this method of finding partners. [La mayoría de los homosexuales consideran que el cottaging es muy sórdido y menosprecian a quienes recurren a este método para encontrar pareja.]». 
  • Maupin, A. (1984). Babycakes (en inglés). p. 105. ISBN 0-06-092483-7. « 'I was busted for cottaging... You know...doin' it in a cottage... A cottage', Wilfred repeated. 'A public loo.' ["Me arrestaron por cottaging... Ya sabes... hacerlo en una cabaña... Una cabaña", repitió Wilfred. "Un baño público."]».

  • En 1970, un estudiante de posgrado estadounidense en la Universidad de Washington, Laud Humphreys, publicó una tesis doctoral famosa y controvertida, Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places, sobre el fenómeno de cottaging, intentando categorizar los diversos orígenes sociales y motivos personales. Véase (Humphreys 1975).

  • Ashford, Chris (2006). "The only gay in the village: Sexuality and the net". Information & Communications Technology Law. Taylor & Francis. 15 (3): 275–289. doi:10.1080/13600830600961202. ISSN 1360-0834. OCLC 441920510. S2CID 143673992. Just as the creation of the information society has allowed for the expansion in e-commerce and online communication, so too has it allowed for the expansion of online sites and communities that support minority sexual practices and activities. One such activity is the cottaging phenomenon, which involves men seeking sexual satisfaction in public lavatories with other men. Like many other groups, participants in this online community have embraced the emerging technology, utilising message boards and online discussion to offer advice, spread awareness of locations, arrange sexual meetings in the physical world and share cautions and warnings.

  • Ashford, Chris (2006). "The only gay in the village: Sexuality and the net". Information & Communications Technology Law. Taylor & Francis. 15 (3): 275–289. doi:10.1080/13600830600961202. ISSN 1360-0834. OCLC 441920510. S2CID 143673992. Just as the creation of the information society has allowed for the expansion in e-commerce and online communication, so too has it allowed for the expansion of online sites and communities that support minority sexual practices and activities. One such activity is the cottaging phenomenon, which involves men seeking sexual satisfaction in public lavatories with other men. Like many other groups, participants in this online community have embraced the emerging technology, utilising message boards and online discussion to offer advice, spread awareness of locations, arrange sexual meetings in the physical world and share cautions and warnings.

  • Mowlabocus, Sharif (2008). «Revisiting old haunts through new technologies». International Journal of Cultural Studies (en inglés) (Sage Publications) 11 (4): 419-439. ISSN 1367-8779. OCLC 438850398. S2CID 145664316. doi:10.1177/1367877908096004. 
  • Ashford, Chris (2006). "The only gay in the village: Sexuality and the net". Information & Communications Technology Law. Taylor & Francis. 15 (3): 275–289. doi:10.1080/13600830600961202. ISSN 1360-0834. OCLC 441920510. S2CID 143673992. Just as the creation of the information society has allowed for the expansion in e-commerce and online communication, so too has it allowed for the expansion of online sites and communities that support minority sexual practices and activities. One such activity is the cottaging phenomenon, which involves men seeking sexual satisfaction in public lavatories with other men. Like many other groups, participants in this online community have embraced the emerging technology, utilising message boards and online discussion to offer advice, spread awareness of locations, arrange sexual meetings in the physical world and share cautions and warnings.
  • Mowlabocus, Sharif (2008). "Revisiting old haunts through new technologies". International Journal of Cultural Studies. Sage Publications. 11 (4): 419–439. doi:10.1177/1367877908096004. ISSN 1367-8779. OCLC 438850398. S2CID 145664316.