Desarrollo del canon del Antiguo Testamento (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Desarrollo del canon del Antiguo Testamento" in Spanish language version.

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471st place
320th place
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3rd place
7th place
6th place
5th place
654th place
595th place
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1,019th place
744th place
1,389th place
513th place
27th place
81st place
5th place
10th place
4,606th place
4,078th place
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low place
low place
low place
281st place
113th place
1,041st place
994th place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • Eusebius. «Ecclesiastical History 4.26.12–14». : «Accordingly when I went East and came to the place where these things were preached and done, I learned accurately the books of the Old Testament, and send them to thee as written below. Their names are as follows: ‹Of Moses, five books: Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy; Jesus Nave, Judges, Ruth; of Kings, four books; of Chronicles, two; the Psalms of David, the Proverbs of Solomon, Wisdom also [ἣ καὶ Σοφία: i.e. the Book of Proverbs (see above, p. 200)], Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Job; of Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah; of the twelve prophets, one book; Daniel, Ezekiel, Esdras. From which also I have made the extracts, dividing them into six books›».
  • Eusebius. «Ecclesiastical History 6.25.1–2». : «When expounding the first Psalm, he gives a catalogue of the sacred Scriptures of the Old Testament as follows: ‹It should be stated that the canonical books, as the Hebrews have handed them down, are twenty-two; corresponding with the number of their letters›. Farther on he says: ‹The twenty-two books of the Hebrews are the following: That which is called by us Genesis, but by the Hebrews, from the beginning of the book, Bresith, which means, ‘In the beginning’; Exodus, Welesmoth, that is, ‘These are the names’; Leviticus, Wikra, ‘And he called’; Numbers, Ammesphekodeim; Deuteronomy, Eleaddebareim, ‘These are the words’; Jesus, the son of Nave, Josoue ben Noun; Judges and Ruth, among them in one book, Saphateim; the First and Second of Kings, among them one, Samouel, that is, ‘The called of God’; the Third and Fourth of Kings in one, Wammelch David, that is, ‘The kingdom of David’; of the Chronicles, the First and Second in one, Dabreïamein, that is, ‘Records of days’; Esdras, First and Second in one, Ezra, that is, ‘An assistant’; the book of Psalms, Spharthelleim; the Proverbs of Solomon, Meloth; Ecclesiastes, Koelth; the Song of Songs (not, as some suppose, Songs of Songs), Sir Hassirim; Isaiah, Jessia; Jeremiah, with Lamentations and the epistle in one, Jeremia; Daniel, Daniel; Ezekiel, Jezekiel; Job, Job; Esther, Esther. And besides these there are the Maccabees, which are entitled Sarbeth Sabanaiel›. He gives these in the above-mentioned work».
  • «Jerome's Preface to Samuel and Kings». 
  • «Schaff's Creeds of Christendom, The Elizabethan Articles. A.D. 1563 and 1571». 
  • «Schaff's Creeds». Archivado desde el original el 14 de noviembre de 2017. Consultado el 28 de junio de 2015.

  • Session 3 Archivado el 18 de agosto de 2005 en Wayback Machine., Chapter 2, Item 6: «The complete books of the old and the new Testament with all their parts, as they are listed in the decree of the said council and as they are found in the old Latin Vulgate edition, are to be received as sacred and canonical».

  • «Bible Translations – The Septuagint». Consultado el 24 de junio de 2015. «The quotations from the Old Testament found in the New are in the main taken from the Septuagint; and even where the citation is indirect the influence of this version is clearly seen (...)».

  • Pope Pius XII. «Divino Afflante Spiritu». pp. #22. Consultado el 13 de octubre de 2013. «Nor is it forbidden by the decree of the Council of Trent to make translations into the vulgar tongue, even directly from the original texts themselves, for the use and benefit of the faithful and for the better understanding of the divine word, as We know to have been already done in a laudable manner in many countries with the approval of the Ecclesiastical authority».

  • «Book of Judith». Catholic Encyclopedia (en inglés). Nueva York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. OCLC 1017058. : Canonicity: «...the Synod of Nicaea is said to have accounted it as Sacred Scripture" (Praef. in Lib.). It is true that no such declaration is to be found in the Canons of Nicaea, and it is uncertain whether St. Jerome is referring to the use made of the book in the discussions of the council, or whether he was misled by some spurious canons attributed to that council».

  • «Book of Judith». Catholic Encyclopedia (en inglés). Nueva York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. OCLC 1017058. : Canonicity: «...the Synod of Nicaea is said to have accounted it as Sacred Scripture" (Praef. in Lib.). It is true that no such declaration is to be found in the Canons of Nicaea, and it is uncertain whether St. Jerome is referring to the use made of the book in the discussions of the council, or whether he was misled by some spurious canons attributed to that council».