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Reinhart and Malamud; Malamud, D (1982). «Protein transfer from isoelectric focusing gels: the native blot». Analytical Biochemistry123 (2): 229-235. PMID6181706. doi:10.1016/0003-2697(82)90439-0.
Bogdanov; Sun, J; Kaback, HR; Dowhan, W (1996). «A Phospholipid Acts as a Chaperone in Assembly of a Membrane Transport Protein». Journal of Biological Chemistry271 (20): 11615-11618. PMID8662750. doi:10.1074/jbc.271.20.11615.
Taki; Handa, S; Ishikawa, D (1994). «Blotting of glycolipids and phospholipids from a high-performance thin-layer chromatogram to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane». Analytical Biochemistry221 (2): 312-316. PMID7810872. doi:10.1006/abio.1994.1418.
Shan; Tanaka, H; Shoyama, Y (2001). «Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for glycyrrhizin using anti-glycyrrhizin monoclonal antibody and a new eastern blotting for glucuronides of glycyrrhetinic acid». Analytical Chemistry73 (24): 5784-90. PMID11791545. doi:10.1021/ac0106997.
Horecka; Charter, NW; Bosano, BL; Fung, P; Kobel, P; Peng, K; Eglen, RM (2006). «A novel antibody-free method for protein blotting using enzyme fragment complementation». BioTechniques40 (3): 381-383. PMID16568826. doi:10.2144/000112119.
Olson and Eglen; Eglen, RM (2007). «beta Galactosidase complementation: A cell-based luminescent assay platform for drug discovery». ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies5 (1): 137-144. PMID17355206. doi:10.1089/adt.2006.052.