Epaminondas (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Epaminondas" in Spanish language version.

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134th place
27th place
81st place
4,606th place
4,078th place
1,648th place
1,548th place





  • Por ejemplo, en Temístocles 25 aparece una referencia directa a Tucídides 1.137
  • Diodoro, XV, 38; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 5.4.16
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 97–98
  • Diodoro XV, 50
  • Para estos acontecimientos y la descripción de la batalla, véase Diodoro, Biblioteca histórica 15.52-56, Jenofonte, Helénicas 6.4.4-20, y Plutarco, Vida de Pelópidas. Para una síntesis, véase Fine, The Ancient Greeks.
  • Diodoro, XV, 52–53; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 20
    * Sage, Warfare in Ancient Greece, 138; Seager, The King's Peace, 183
  • Diodoro, XV, 55; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 23; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, 24; Gabriel, The Great Armies of Antiquity, 182–183
  • Diodoro, XV, 55; Tucídides IV, 93
    * Kagan, The Archidamian War, 283
  • Diodoro, XV, 55
    * Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, 24; Gabriel, The Great Armies of Antiquity, 182; Hanson, The Soul of Battle
  • Diodoro, XV, 55; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 23; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, 26; Jones, The Art of War in the Western World, 5–6
  • Diodoro, XV, XV, 56; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Cartledge, Sparta and Lakonia, 295; Raphael Sealey, A History of the Greek City States, 420
  • Pausanias IX, 13
    * Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 84
  • Cornelio Nepote, Epaminondas, VI; Diodoro, XV, 63; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.5
    * Joint Association of Classical Teachers, The World of Athens, 48; Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 187; Smith, A Smaller History of Greece, 116
  • Diodoro XV, 57
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 188
  • Diodoro XV, 57; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 133
  • Diodoro XV, 62; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 24; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.5
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 189–190; Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 24
  • Diodoro XV, 62; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 24; Plutarco, Agesilao, 31
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 428
  • Pausanias IX, 14
    * Ober, Fortress Attica, 41
  • Plutarco, Agesilao, 31; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 24; Jenofonte, Helénicas VI, 5
    * Ober, Fortress Attica, 41; Smith, Smaller History of Greece, 163
  • Diodoro, XV, 66
    * Luraqhi, The Ancient Messenians, 4; Ober, Fortress Attica, 41
  • Diodoro, XV, 67
  • Diodoro, XV, 68; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1
    * Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 88
  • Diodoro, XV, 69; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.2
    * Cawkwell, Epaminondas and Thebes, 267; Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 452; Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 88–89
  • Diodoro XV, 71; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 27, 29
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360 BC", 195
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1; Diodoro, XV, 76
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 197. Cawkwell (Epaminondas and Thebes, 269) cree que Tebas obtuvo beneficios concretos del congreso: "La paz de 366/5 selló la política de Epaminondas en el Peloponeso. Bajo él los miembros restantes de la Liga del Peloponeso abandonaron finalmente a Esparta, y reconocieron la independencia de Mesenia y, presumiblemente, la unificación de Beocia."
  • Diodoro, XV, 78–79
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 174; Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 201–202
  • Diodoruo XV, 82; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculuc, 508–510
  • Diodoro, XV, 84; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 510–512
  • Diodoro XV, 85–86
    * Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 93–94
  • Diodoro, XV,85; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 514–516
  • Diodoro, XV, 85; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 516–518
  • Diodoro, XV, XV, 85–86; Jenofonte, Hellenica, 7.5
    * Hanson, Hoplites, 146; Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 518–519; Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 94
  • Cornelio Nepote, Epaminondas, IX; Diodoro, XV, 87
    * Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 94
  • Diodoro, XV, 88
  • Diodoro, XV, 55
    * Gabriel, Great Captains of Antiquity, 90–91
  • Pausanias, Descripción de Grecia 9.15.6.



  • Por ejemplo, en Temístocles 25 aparece una referencia directa a Tucídides 1.137
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 1.1
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Cawkwell, Introduction, 35–36; Hanson, Hoplites, 145; Hanson, The Soul of Battle
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 5.2
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 3.5
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 4.1–8, y 5.1
    * Seager, "The Corinthian War", 118–119
  • Plutarco, Pelópidas, 5–6; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 5.2
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 170
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 5.4
  • Diodoro, XV, 38; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 5.4.16
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 97–98
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.1–2
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.3
  • Para estos acontecimientos y la descripción de la batalla, véase Diodoro, Biblioteca histórica 15.52-56, Jenofonte, Helénicas 6.4.4-20, y Plutarco, Vida de Pelópidas. Para una síntesis, véase Fine, The Ancient Greeks.
  • Tucídides, 5.71
  • Diodoro, XV, 55; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 23; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, 24; Gabriel, The Great Armies of Antiquity, 182–183
  • Diodoro, XV, 55; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 23; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, 26; Jones, The Art of War in the Western World, 5–6
  • Diodoro, XV, XV, 56; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Cartledge, Sparta and Lakonia, 295; Raphael Sealey, A History of the Greek City States, 420
  • Cornelio Nepote, Epaminondas, VI; Diodoro, XV, 63; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.5
    * Joint Association of Classical Teachers, The World of Athens, 48; Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 187; Smith, A Smaller History of Greece, 116
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Hornblower, The Greek World, 224
  • Diodoro XV, 57; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4
    * Beck, Politics of Power, 133
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.4–5
    * Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 24
  • Diodoro XV, 62; Plutarco, Pelópidas, 24; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 6.5
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 189–190; Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 24
  • Diodoro, XV, 68; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1
    * Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 88
  • Diodoro, XV, 69; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.2
    * Cawkwell, Epaminondas and Thebes, 267; Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 452; Tirtle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 88–89
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1
    * Cawkwell, Epaminondas and Thebes, 269; Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 197–198
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1; Diodoro, XV, 76
    * Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 197. Cawkwell (Epaminondas and Thebes, 269) cree que Tebas obtuvo beneficios concretos del congreso: "La paz de 366/5 selló la política de Epaminondas en el Peloponeso. Bajo él los miembros restantes de la Liga del Peloponeso abandonaron finalmente a Esparta, y reconocieron la independencia de Mesenia y, presumiblemente, la unificación de Beocia."
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.1
    * Cawkwell, Epaminondas and Thebes, 269; Roy, "Thebes in the 360s BC", 200
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.4–5
    * Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 26–27
  • Diodoruo XV, 82; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculuc, 508–510
  • Diodoro, XV, 84; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 510–512
  • Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
  • Diodoro, XV,85; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 514–516
  • Diodoro, XV, 85; Jenofonte, Helénicas, 7.5
    * Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 516–518
  • Diodoro, XV, XV, 85–86; Jenofonte, Hellenica, 7.5
    * Hanson, Hoplites, 146; Stylianou, Diodorus Siculus, 518–519; Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century, 94
  • Jenofonte, Hellenica 7.5.26.