«¿En qué se basa la forma de gobierno de un califato?». 2 de julio de 2014. «El Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (EIIL), el grupo extremista que controla varias zonas de Siria e Irak, ha declarado la instauración de un Califato en las zonas ocupadas».
[5]El Magreb se ha convertido en la plataforma desde la que salen miles de combatientes que se unen a las filas de grupos yihadistas y terroristas, en los frentes de Irak y Siria.
«Q&A: German journalist on surviving ISIL». Al Jazeera. 15 de enero de 2015. Consultado el 4 de octubre de 2015. «Something that I don't understand at all is the enthusiasm in their plan of religious cleansing, planning to kill the non-believers... They also will kill Muslim democrats because they believe that non-ISIL-Muslims put the laws of human beings above the commandments of God. These were very difficult discussions, especially when they were talking about the number of people who they are willing to kill. They were talking about hundreds of millions. They were enthusiastic about it, and I just cannot understand that.»
«Syria: Harrowing torture, summary killings in secret ISIS detention centres». 19 de diciembre de 2013. Amnistía Internacional. Archivado desde el original el 31 de enero de 2015. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2014. «Some of those held by ISIS are suspected of theft or other crimes; others are accused of "crimes" against Islam, such as smoking cigarettes or zina, sex outside marriage. Others were seized for challenging ISIS's rule or because they belonged to rival armed groups opposed to the Syrian government. ISIS is also suspected of abducting and detaining foreign nationals, including journalists covering the fighting in Syria.»
Birke, Sarah (27 de diciembre de 2013). «How al-Qaeda Changed the Syrian War». New York Review of Books. «Since its appearance last April, ISIS has changed the course of the Syrian war. It has forced the mainstream Syrian opposition to fight on two fronts. It has obstructed aid getting into Syria, and news getting out. And by gaining power, it has forced the US government and its European allies to rethink their strategy of intermittent support to the moderate opposition and rhetoric calling for the ouster of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. After months of shunning Islamist groups in Syria, the Obama administration has now said it may need to talk to the Islamist Front, a new coalition of hard-line rebel groups, in part, because they might prove a buffer against the more extreme ISIS. Ryan Crocker, a former top US State Department official in the Middle East, has told The New York Times that American officials, left with few other options, should quietly start to reengage with the Assad regime. In December, US and Britain suspended non-lethal assistance to rebel groups in northern Syria after one base fell into Islamist hands.»
Birke, Sarah (27 de diciembre de 2013). «How al-Qaeda Changed the Syrian War». New York Review of Books. «Women have been told to cover up, smoking banned, and girls and boys segregated in school. Minorities have been hounded out of the city, and foreign journalists and aid workers are no longer welcome: dozens are currently in ISIS captivity.»
Birke, Sarah (27 de diciembre de 2013). «How al-Qaeda Changed the Syrian War». New York Review of Books. «In August ISIS fighters led the rebel capture of Minbegh, an airbase close to Aleppo. And the group has kicked out other rebel militias to gain control of Atmeh, al-Bab, Azaz, and Jarablus, four border towns that serve as the gateways to the outside for northern Syria and which are now known as mini-emirates. According to Syrian rebels, aid workers, and civilians I spoke to, they are using such strategic towns to control who and what can move in and out of Syria.»
Elijah J. Magnier para Moon Of Alabama (27 de junio de 2014). «¿Hacia dónde va el Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria (ISIS)?». Piensa Chile. «El objetivo de ISIS no son Iraq y Siria, es el Levante y más allá. Incluye Jordania, Líbano, Palestina, Israel y más. “Sin límites”, me dicen».
Hussein, Rikar; Sahinkaya, Ezel; Kajjo, Sirwan; Hoodbhoy, Nafisa; Jedinia, Mehdi (21 de julio de 2019). «IS Decentralizing Into 'Provinces' in Bid to Return»(en inglés). Voa News. Consultado el 9 de abril de 2024.
«Syria: Harrowing torture, summary killings in secret ISIS detention centres». 19 de diciembre de 2013. Amnistía Internacional. Archivado desde el original el 31 de enero de 2015. Consultado el 3 de enero de 2014. «Some of those held by ISIS are suspected of theft or other crimes; others are accused of "crimes" against Islam, such as smoking cigarettes or zina, sex outside marriage. Others were seized for challenging ISIS's rule or because they belonged to rival armed groups opposed to the Syrian government. ISIS is also suspected of abducting and detaining foreign nationals, including journalists covering the fighting in Syria.»