Estrecho de Singapur (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Estrecho de Singapur" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
4,513th place
3,010th place
1st place
1st place

  • «On the West.
    The Eastern limit of Malacca Strait [A line joining Tanjong Piai (Bulus), the Southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula (1°16'N, 103°31'E) and The Brothers (1°11.5'N, 103°21'E) and thence to Klein Karimoen (1°10'N, 103°23.5'E)]
    On the East.
    A line joining Tanjong Datok, the Southeast point of Johore (1°22'N, 104°17'E) through Horsburgh Reef to Pulo Koko, the Northeastern extreme of Bintan Island (1°13.5'N, 104°35'E).
    On the North.
    The Southern shore of Singapore Island, Johore Shoal and the Southeastern coast of the Malay Peninsula.
    On the South.
    A line joining Klein Karimoen to Pulo Pemping Besar (1°06.5'N, 103°47.5'E) thence along the Northern coasts of Batam and Bintan Islands to Pulo Koko.».
    La traducción al español es propia. La versión original, en inglés, está disponible en linea en el sitio oficial de la «International Hydrographic Organization» en: [1] (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el historial, la primera versión y la última)..

  • «On the West.
    The Eastern limit of Malacca Strait [A line joining Tanjong Piai (Bulus), the Southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula (1°16'N, 103°31'E) and The Brothers (1°11.5'N, 103°21'E) and thence to Klein Karimoen (1°10'N, 103°23.5'E)]
    On the East.
    A line joining Tanjong Datok, the Southeast point of Johore (1°22'N, 104°17'E) through Horsburgh Reef to Pulo Koko, the Northeastern extreme of Bintan Island (1°13.5'N, 104°35'E).
    On the North.
    The Southern shore of Singapore Island, Johore Shoal and the Southeastern coast of the Malay Peninsula.
    On the South.
    A line joining Klein Karimoen to Pulo Pemping Besar (1°06.5'N, 103°47.5'E) thence along the Northern coasts of Batam and Bintan Islands to Pulo Koko.».
    La traducción al español es propia. La versión original, en inglés, está disponible en linea en el sitio oficial de la «International Hydrographic Organization» en: [1] (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el historial, la primera versión y la última)..