(en polaco) "Rosła kalina", www.Teksty.Org, "Library of Song". English title: "Viburnum grew" aka "A guelder rose grew" by Teofil Lenartowicz, based on a folk tale. One of arrangements by Witold Lutosławski in: "Strawchain and other (childish) songs" (Polish: "Słomkowy łańcuszek i inne dziecinne utwory"), for soprano, mezzo-soprano, flute, oboe, two clarinets, and bassoon 1950-1951. (en inglés) Autotranslation by SYSTRAN. Not to be mistaken with completely different and unique Russian "Kalinka".
(en polaco) "Rosła kalina", www.Teksty.Org, "Library of Song". English title: "Viburnum grew" aka "A guelder rose grew" by Teofil Lenartowicz, based on a folk tale. One of arrangements by Witold Lutosławski in: "Strawchain and other (childish) songs" (Polish: "Słomkowy łańcuszek i inne dziecinne utwory"), for soprano, mezzo-soprano, flute, oboe, two clarinets, and bassoon 1950-1951. (en inglés) Autotranslation by SYSTRAN. Not to be mistaken with completely different and unique Russian "Kalinka".