Dundes, 1969, p. 13, footnote 34. Dundes, Alan (1969). «The Devolutionary Premise in Folklore Theory». Journal of the Folklore Institute6 (1): 5-19. JSTOR3814118. doi:10.2307/3814118.
Dundes, 1969, p. 13, footnote 34. Dundes, Alan (1969). «The Devolutionary Premise in Folklore Theory». Journal of the Folklore Institute6 (1): 5-19. JSTOR3814118. doi:10.2307/3814118.
Bauman, 1971. Bauman, Richard (1971). «Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore». The Journal of American Folklore84 (331): 31-41. JSTOR539731.
Dundes, 1978. Dundes, Alan (1978). «Into the Endzone for a Touchdown: A Psychoanalytic Consideration of American Football». Western Folklore37 (2): 75-88. JSTOR1499315.
Bauman, 1971, p. 41. Bauman, Richard (1971). «Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore». The Journal of American Folklore84 (331): 31-41. JSTOR539731.
Bauman, 1971, p. 45. Bauman, Richard (1971). «Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore». The Journal of American Folklore84 (331): 31-41. JSTOR539731.
Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (2023). «folclore». Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (2.ª edición, versión provisional). Consultado el 1 de mayo de 2017.