Vile, John R. (2003). «Christian Reconstruction». Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789–2002 (2nd edición). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. p. 67. ISBN1-85109-428-8. OCLC51553072. «...North favors stoning,...because of the widespread availability of rocks....»
Ingersoll, Julie J. (1 de enero de 1999). «Reconstructionist Christianity». Contemporary American Religion (from HighBeam Research). Archivado desde el original el 14 de abril de 2016. Consultado el 26 de julio de 2013.
«What Is The ICE?». Archivado desde el original el 18 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2013. «The Institute for Christian Economics is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization which is devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics.»
«What Is The ICE?». Archivado desde el original el 18 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2013. «The Institute for Christian Economics is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization which is devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics.»
«What Is The ICE?». Archivado desde el original el 18 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2013. «The Institute for Christian Economics is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization which is devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics.»
«What Is The ICE?». Archivado desde el original el 18 de febrero de 2013. Consultado el 25 de julio de 2013. «The Institute for Christian Economics is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational organization which is devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics.»
Ingersoll, Julie J. (1 de enero de 1999). «Reconstructionist Christianity». Contemporary American Religion (from HighBeam Research). Archivado desde el original el 14 de abril de 2016. Consultado el 26 de julio de 2013.
Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI (1996). Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. Turner. p. 185. ISBN1-56311-205-1. OCLC37922781.
Rushdoony, Rousas John; Gary North (3 appendices) (1978). The Institutes of Biblical Law: a Chalcedon Study. Presbyterian and Reformed. p. 890. ISBN978-0-87552-410-8. OCLC768429065.
North, Gary (1972), The Concept of Property in Puritan New England, 1630–1720 (PhD dissertation), OCLC1902749..
Vile, John R. (2003). «Christian Reconstruction». Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789–2002 (2nd edición). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. p. 67. ISBN1-85109-428-8. OCLC51553072. «...North favors stoning,...because of the widespread availability of rocks....»