Hartmann, Marlene (28 de junio de 2020). «The totalizing meritocracy of heterosex: Subjectivity in NoFap». Sexualities (SAGE Publications) 24 (3): 409-430. ISSN1363-4607. doi:10.1177/1363460720932387. «The most influential account of the causal relationship between PMO and the emergence of masturbatory subjectivity, which I mainly refer to in the following, is given by Gary Wilson ... Nevertheless, Wilson's talk is of vital importance to NoFap.»
Watson, Brian (2020). «The New Censorship: Anti-sexuality Groups and Library Freedom». Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy4 (4): 19-28. doi:10.5860/jifp.v4i4.7177.
Robinson, Marnia (16 de octubre de 2009). «Another Way To Make Love». HuffPost. Consultado el 15 de agosto de 2021.
Hartmann, Marlene (28 de junio de 2020). «The totalizing meritocracy of heterosex: Subjectivity in NoFap». Sexualities (SAGE Publications) 24 (3): 409-430. ISSN1363-4607. doi:10.1177/1363460720932387. «The most influential account of the causal relationship between PMO and the emergence of masturbatory subjectivity, which I mainly refer to in the following, is given by Gary Wilson ... Nevertheless, Wilson's talk is of vital importance to NoFap.»