Pace, Andrew K. (enero de 2006). «Is This the Renaissance or the Dark Ages?». American Libraries. American Library Association. Archivado desde el original el 3 de abril de 2007. Consultado el 11 de abril de 2007. «Google made instant e-book believers out of skeptics even though 10 years of e-book evangelism among librarians had barely made progress.»
Johnston, Scott (9 de marzo de 2017). «Meet the new Hangouts». Google. Archivado desde el original el 14 de marzo de 2017. Consultado el 15 de marzo de 2017.
Barroso, L.A.; Dean, J.; Holzle, U. (29 de abril de 2003). «Web search for a planet: the google cluster architecture». IEEE Micro23 (2): 22-28. doi:10.1109/mm.2003.1196112. «We believe that the best price/performance tradeoff for our applications comes from fashioning a reliable computing infrastructure from clusters of unreliable commodity PCs.»
Goel, Kavi; Ramanathan V. Guha, Othar Hansson (12 de mayo de 2009). «Introducing Rich Snippets». Google Webmaster Central Blog. Google. Consultado el 25 de mayo de 2009.La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
Colin James, Daniel (24 de abril de 2017). «This is How Google will Collapse Reporting from the very near, post-Google future»(html). Hackernoon(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 2 de enero de 2019. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2019. «Devices running iOS were responsible for an estimated 75% of Google’s revenue from mobile search ads, so by making this move, Apple was simultaneously weighing in decisively on the great ad blocking debate of the 2010s and dealing a substantial blow to the future of online advertising.»
IIEMD, Instituto Internacional Español de Marketing Digital (25 de agosto de 2016). «¿Qué es Google Allo y como funciona?». Consultado el 29 de agosto de 2016.
IIEMD, Instituto Internacional Español de Marketing Digital (23 de agosto de 2016). «¿Qué es Google Duo y como funciona?». Consultado el 29 de agosto de 2016.
Barroso, L.A.; Dean, J.; Holzle, U. (29 de abril de 2003). «Web search for a planet: the google cluster architecture». IEEE Micro23 (2): 22-28. doi:10.1109/mm.2003.1196112. «We believe that the best price/performance tradeoff for our applications comes from fashioning a reliable computing infrastructure from clusters of unreliable commodity PCs.»
«Google is making Meet free for everyone». Techcrunch. 29 de abril de 2020. Consultado el 29 de abril de 2020. «For consumer Hangouts, which has been on life support for a long time, this move may accelerate its deprecation.»
Warren, Tom (18 de julio de 2018). «Google fined a record $5 billion by the EU for Android antitrust violations»(html). The Verge(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 23 de julio de 2018. «Google has been hit with a record-breaking €4.3 billion ($5 billion) fine by EU regulators for breaking antitrust laws. The European Commission says Google has abused its Android market dominance in three key areas. Google has been bundling its search engine and Chrome apps into the operating system. Google has also blocked phone makers from creating devices that run forked versions of Android, and it “made payments to certain large manufacturers and mobile network operators” to exclusively bundle the Google search app on handsets.»
Colin James, Daniel (24 de abril de 2017). «This is How Google will Collapse Reporting from the very near, post-Google future»(html). Hackernoon(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 2 de enero de 2019. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2019. «Devices running iOS were responsible for an estimated 75% of Google’s revenue from mobile search ads, so by making this move, Apple was simultaneously weighing in decisively on the great ad blocking debate of the 2010s and dealing a substantial blow to the future of online advertising.»
«Blogger: About Us». 19 de abril de 2010. Consultado el 22 de agosto de 2024.
Pace, Andrew K. (enero de 2006). «Is This the Renaissance or the Dark Ages?». American Libraries. American Library Association. Archivado desde el original el 3 de abril de 2007. Consultado el 11 de abril de 2007. «Google made instant e-book believers out of skeptics even though 10 years of e-book evangelism among librarians had barely made progress.»
Johnston, Scott (9 de marzo de 2017). «Meet the new Hangouts». Google. Archivado desde el original el 14 de marzo de 2017. Consultado el 15 de marzo de 2017.
Warren, Tom (18 de julio de 2018). «Google fined a record $5 billion by the EU for Android antitrust violations»(html). The Verge(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 19 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 23 de julio de 2018. «Google has been hit with a record-breaking €4.3 billion ($5 billion) fine by EU regulators for breaking antitrust laws. The European Commission says Google has abused its Android market dominance in three key areas. Google has been bundling its search engine and Chrome apps into the operating system. Google has also blocked phone makers from creating devices that run forked versions of Android, and it “made payments to certain large manufacturers and mobile network operators” to exclusively bundle the Google search app on handsets.»