Real Academia Española. «heno». Diccionario de la lengua española (23.ª edición). Consultado el 30 de septiembre de 2022.
Jones, Steven M.; Russell, Mark, Managing Fescue for Horses FSA3042, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, archivado desde el original el 14 de junio de 2001, «Cattle grazing fescue often develop a chronic, unthrifty condition, especially apparent during the summer months. In addition, some cattle occasionally develop lameness and lose portions of their feet and tails during fall and winter. Some mares grazing fescue have reproductive problems during the last trimester of pregnancy.».
Jones, Steven M.; Russell, Mark, Managing Fescue for Horses FSA3042, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, archivado desde el original el 14 de junio de 2001, «Cattle grazing fescue often develop a chronic, unthrifty condition, especially apparent during the summer months. In addition, some cattle occasionally develop lameness and lose portions of their feet and tails during fall and winter. Some mares grazing fescue have reproductive problems during the last trimester of pregnancy.».
Deere and Company (1957), «23: Hay conditioners», The Operation, Care, and Repair of Farm Machinery (28th edición), Moline, Illinois, USA: Deere and Company, OCLC965865819..