La Fontainerie, François de (1932). French liberalism and education in the eighteenth century(en inglés). Nueva York: Lenox Hill. p. 60. «The Brothers of the Christian Doctrine, who are called Ignorantines (this reference is not to the Congregation of the Christian Doctrine, whic was founded in 1592 by César de Bus for the purpose of teaching the catechism to children and artisans, and which lasted until the Revolution, nor does Ignorantines refer to the Brothers of St. John of God, who cared for the poor, and in humility called themselves thus. Here is meant the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Christian Brothers) founded by St. Jean-Baptiste de la Salle in 1684 for the general instruction of the poor; they were, and still are often called Brothers of the Christian Doctrine, and were, more or less contemptuously referred to as Ignorantins by their detractors, as they interested themselves only in vernacular schools of the lower grade), have appeared to complete the ruin of everything..»
Parente, Fabio. «The International Lasallian Mission». La Salle Worldwide | lasalleorg | Rome(en inglés estadounidense). Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2022.
Gavin, Robert (23 de septiembre de 2014). «La Salle alumnus alleges sex abuse». Times Union(en inglés estadounidense). Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2022.