Historia de Kiev (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Historia de Kiev" in Spanish language version.

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  • Gregorovich, Andrew (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (100 edición). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por [www.infoukes.com InfoUkes Inc.] Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. (en inglés)
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «Despite the power and brave of Kyiv citizens the enemies captured the city. According to the data of the chronicle Kyiv struggled for 10 weeks and 4 days. The Mongols came to the Desyatinnaya church, where old people, women and children were hidden, and ruined it. A lot of Kyiv citizens were killed, most part of the city was burnt. But even under the reign of Mongol-Tatar yoke citizens of Kyiv tried to build houses for themselves, grew plants. Kyin remained the center of Christian Rus.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «From the end of the XII c. the struggle for Kyiv was led between Galitsko-Volin, Smolensl and Chernigiv cities.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «In 1482 Krim Horde with the Khan Mengli-Girey at the head raided Kyiv. They completely ruined the city, killed a lot of people.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «In 1569 according to Lyublin Union the Pole feudal lords made their supremacy on the majority of Ukrainian lands, including Kyiv. After Brest Union in 1596 their was a policy according to which Ukrainian Christian population had to accept a Catholic belief.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «The liberation war of 1648-1654 was the most significant event in the life of Ukrainian people. On the 11-th of December the rebellion began. The warriors captured Kyiv castle with weapons and local town hall. On the 23 of December the liberated people met the Kosak troop with B.Chmelnitskiy at the head.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «A so-called Pereyaslav Rada played a great role for Kyiv. It took place in 1654. There was a decision accepted according to which Ukraine formed part with Russia.». 
  • Andrew Gregorovich (1999). «LEGEND OF THE FOUNDING OF KYIV 482 A.D.» (en inglés). FORUM Ukrainian Review; reimpreso por www.infoukes.com. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «Kyiv became the capital of the Soviet republic Ukraine in 1934 (from December 1919 Ukraine’s capital was Kharkov).». 


  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «Approximately at the time of reign of Askold and Dir, according to the data of Nestor-chronicle, Novgorod and Krivich residents sent an embassy to Varyags with such a message: “ Our land is great and rich, but it has no order. Come and reign it.”». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «At the times of Askold and Dir’s government, in 860, the Old Russian forces made their first but not the only aggressive campaign to Zargrad (or Constantinopol). There had been a lot of attacks earlier but that one demonstrated great economical and military powers of Kyiv Rus.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «The chronicle writer Nestor wrote that Oleg once expressed his opinion about Kyiv: “Let Kyiv be a mother of all Russian lands!». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «During the reign of Vladimir Christianity began to blossom. Vladimir ordered to ruin heathen temples and to build Christian churches.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «The authority of Kyiv Rus greatly increased. It had trade affairs with the southern and eastern countries, Germany, France, Hungary and other countries. The kings of European countries held it for honor to make related with Yaroslav the Wise. His daughter Anna was married to French king, Elizabeth - to Norwegian king, Anastasy - to Hungarian king, Vsevolod - to Byzantine queen, Svyatoslav - to the sister of Trir bishop.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «In 1237-1238 the flocks of Khan Batiy deserted the lands of Northern-Eastern Rus. The vanguards of conquerors were in 1238 on the left bank of the Dnieper River. Kyiv prince Michael Vsevolodovich escaped, feeling the danger, to Hungary. In 1240 Daniil Romanovich Galitskiy possessed the city and left there his deputy Dmitriy. In 1240 the troops of Khan Batiy came into the right bank and settled in Kyiv.». 



  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «Approximately at the time of reign of Askold and Dir, according to the data of Nestor-chronicle, Novgorod and Krivich residents sent an embassy to Varyags with such a message: “ Our land is great and rich, but it has no order. Come and reign it.”». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «At the times of Askold and Dir’s government, in 860, the Old Russian forces made their first but not the only aggressive campaign to Zargrad (or Constantinopol). There had been a lot of attacks earlier but that one demonstrated great economical and military powers of Kyiv Rus.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «The chronicle writer Nestor wrote that Oleg once expressed his opinion about Kyiv: “Let Kyiv be a mother of all Russian lands!». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «During the reign of Vladimir Christianity began to blossom. Vladimir ordered to ruin heathen temples and to build Christian churches.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «The authority of Kyiv Rus greatly increased. It had trade affairs with the southern and eastern countries, Germany, France, Hungary and other countries. The kings of European countries held it for honor to make related with Yaroslav the Wise. His daughter Anna was married to French king, Elizabeth - to Norwegian king, Anastasy - to Hungarian king, Vsevolod - to Byzantine queen, Svyatoslav - to the sister of Trir bishop.». 
  • «History of Kiev» (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 17 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2008. «In 1237-1238 the flocks of Khan Batiy deserted the lands of Northern-Eastern Rus. The vanguards of conquerors were in 1238 on the left bank of the Dnieper River. Kyiv prince Michael Vsevolodovich escaped, feeling the danger, to Hungary. In 1240 Daniil Romanovich Galitskiy possessed the city and left there his deputy Dmitriy. In 1240 the troops of Khan Batiy came into the right bank and settled in Kyiv.». 
  • Mukola Lusento. Bukivna: Un crimen sin arrepentimiento (Bukivnia: A crime without repentance) Archivado el 24 de mayo de 2007 en Wayback Machine.