Historia de los judíos en India (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Historia de los judíos en India" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
377th place
28th place
1,019th place
744th place
40th place
52nd place



  • https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/3489-bombay-india:
    "Judíos nativos de la India, que habitaban principalmente en la presidencia de Bombay y eran conocidos anteriormente con el nombre de Shanvar Telis ("Prensores de aceite del sábado") en alusión a su ocupación principal y su día de reposo. Los Beni-Israel evitaron el uso del nombre "judío", probablemente en deferencia al prejuicio de sus vecinos mahometanos, y prefirieron el nombre Beni-Israel en referencia al uso favorable del término en el Corán (sura ii. 110). Según sus propias tradiciones, descienden de los supervivientes de una banda de judíos que huían de la persecución y que naufragaron cerca de las islas Henery y Kenery en el océano Índico, a quince millas de Cheul, antiguo emporio principal del comercio entre Arabia e India. . Se dice que siete hombres y siete mujeres se salvaron de ahogarse; y de ellos descienden los Beni-Israel."
    ("Native Jews of India, dwelling mainly in the presidency of Bombay and known formerly by the name of Shanvar Telis ("Saturday Oil-Pressers") in allusion to their chief occupation and their Sabbath-day. The Beni-Israel avoided the use of the name "Jew," probably in deference to the prejudice of their Mohammedan neighbors, and preferred the name Beni-Israel in reference to the favorable use of the term in the Koran (sura ii. 110). According to their own traditions, they are descended from the survivors of a band of Jews fleeing from persecution who were wrecked near the Henery and Kenery islands in the Indian ocean, fifteen miles from Cheul, formerly the chief emporium of the trade between Arabia and India. Seven men and seven women are stated to have been saved from drowning; and from them are descended the Beni-Israel.")
