Jones, Brett; Sodhi, Rajinder; Murdock, Michael; Mehra, Ravish; Benko, Hrvoje; Wilson, Andrew D.; Ofek, Eyal; MacIntyre, Blair et al. (5 de octubre de 2014). «RoomAlive: magical experiences enabled by scalable, adaptive projector-camera units». UIST '14: proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on user interface software and technology (New York: Association for Computing Machinery): 637-644. doi:10.1145/2642918.2647383.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
IllumiRoom_CHI2013 by Microsoft Research "The majority of the illusions were paired with an open-source first-person shooter (Red Eclipse). This created a rich, interactive experience, enabled by access to source code. The Snow illusion was paired with a racing game with a snow level (SuperTuxKart 3), triggered with controller input."