Altomare, DF; Rinaldi, M; Sallustio, PL; Armenise, N (marzo de 2009). «Giant fecaloma in an adult with severe anal stricture caused by anal imperforation treated by proctocolectomy and ileostomy: report of a case.». Diseases of the Colon and Rectum52 (3): 534-7. PMID19333059. doi:10.1007/DCR.0b013e318199db36.
Hsiao, TF; Chou, YH (enero de 2010). «Stercoral perforation of colon: a rare but important mimicker of acute appendicitis.». The American journal of emergency medicine28 (1): 112.e1-2. PMID20006219. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2009.02.024.
Altomare, DF; Rinaldi, M; Sallustio, PL; Armenise, N (marzo de 2009). «Giant fecaloma in an adult with severe anal stricture caused by anal imperforation treated by proctocolectomy and ileostomy: report of a case.». Diseases of the Colon and Rectum52 (3): 534-7. PMID19333059. doi:10.1007/DCR.0b013e318199db36.
Hsiao, TF; Chou, YH (enero de 2010). «Stercoral perforation of colon: a rare but important mimicker of acute appendicitis.». The American journal of emergency medicine28 (1): 112.e1-2. PMID20006219. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2009.02.024.
«fecaloma». Farlex medical dictionary. Consultado el 4 de enero de 2018.
Opioid#Constipation (‘opioides: estreñimiento’), artículo en inglés publicado en el sitio web Wikipedia.