Damian, Brett (11 de noviembre de 2020). «Emirates calls A380s up for all-cargo duties». Air Cargo News(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 11 de noviembre de 2020. «$12.27 per kg carriers were able to achieve on Shanghai to North America and $11.18 per kg to Europe in mid-May – at the height of the PPE capacity crunch».
Skiti, Sabelo (23 de abril de 2020). «SAA rescuers give affected parties two options: Wind down or liquidate». Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg, South Africa). Consultado el 24 de abril de 2020. «...the only remaining options are either the company winds down by terminating employees with an agreement, or they apply to the courts to discontinue business rescue and place the airline into liquidation. "The practitioners have presented a collective agreement to all unions and representatives of non-unionized employees of SAA on April 17, 2020, for consideration and negotiation, and have advised that agreement must be reached by April 24, 2020.»
Browdie, Brian (21 de abril de 2020). «South African Airways may be grounded for good». qz.com. Quartz Africa. Consultado el 24 de abril de 2020. «"For all intents and purposes, [SAA] has already collapsed," says Adrian Saville, founder of Cannon Asset Managers in Johannesburg.»
Somnell, Mikaela; Ahmadi Högfeldt, Farida (6 de abril de 2020). «Flygbolaget BRA hotas av konkurs». SVT Nyheter(en sueco). Consultado el 4 de octubre de 2020.
Damian, Brett (11 de noviembre de 2020). «Emirates calls A380s up for all-cargo duties». Air Cargo News(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 11 de noviembre de 2020. «$12.27 per kg carriers were able to achieve on Shanghai to North America and $11.18 per kg to Europe in mid-May – at the height of the PPE capacity crunch».