de Selding, Peter B. (18 de marzo de 2011). «Intelsat Signs Up for MDA’s Satellite Refueling Service». Space News. Archivado desde el original el 21 de marzo de 2012. Consultado el 20 de marzo de 2011. «the operator of the world’s largest fleet of commercial satellites — Intelsat has 52 in orbit. ... For this first demonstration mission, ... one of our satellites that is at the end of its life and about to be decommissioned ... will be taken out of geostationary orbit without consequence to our business, with the refueling done 200 to 300 kilometers above the geostationary belt.».
de Selding, Peter B. (18 de marzo de 2011). «Intelsat Signs Up for MDA’s Satellite Refueling Service». Space News. Archivado desde el original el 21 de marzo de 2012. Consultado el 20 de marzo de 2011. «the operator of the world’s largest fleet of commercial satellites — Intelsat has 52 in orbit. ... For this first demonstration mission, ... one of our satellites that is at the end of its life and about to be decommissioned ... will be taken out of geostationary orbit without consequence to our business, with the refueling done 200 to 300 kilometers above the geostationary belt.».