Daly, Alan (22 de noviembre de 2016). «Interview with Johannes Eckerström (Lead Vocals), Avatar». My Global Mind(en inglés). Consultado el 20 de diciembre de 2018. «Then I started to get piano lessons when I was five. I’m not good at playing piano, but I played until I was maybe nine or ten and then I played trombone instead. And then after that, hey guitars, and people cheering».
«On This Date in History». Vinyl Lair(en inglés). 4 de mayo de 2018. Consultado el 20 de diciembre de 2018. «Eckerström is a born performer with a chameleon voice capable of deep soothing baritone croons, piercing highs a la Rob Halford in his prime, and throat shredding metal growls and screams.»