Ashkenazi, Elliott. "Joseph Seligman." In Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 1720 to the Present, vol. 2, edited by William J. Hausman. German Historical Institute. Last modified February 18, 2014.
«Funeral Of Mr. Seligman. Simple Ceremonies At His Home And At The Grave». 4 de mayo de 1880. Consultado el 15 de agosto de 2014. «The funeral of Joseph Seligman, the banker who died in New-Orleans April 25, took place yesterday from his late residence, No. 26 West Thirty fourth-street. The remains, which arrived in this city last Saturday, were embalmed and inclosed in a silver-mounted iron coffin. A silver plate on the lid bore the simple inscription, 'Joseph Seligman' and two wreaths of immortelles rested at the head ...»