Justino Mártir (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Justino Mártir" in Spanish language version.

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6th place
5th place
low place
low place
121st place
109th place
471st place
320th place
4,351st place
8,712th place
low place
low place



  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 26. «He is no literary artist (…) His tone and character are attractive by their genuineness, simplicity, high-mindedness and frank and confident energy». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 13. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 6-7. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). «I. Life, Conversion and Martyrdom». Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. p. 11. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). «III. Background: Greek Philosophy». Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. p. 27. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-38. «Our conclusion from the above discussion is that Justin's philosophical background is predominantly that of eclectic Middle Platonism, although it is well to remember that this eas not a philosophical system, as such, but rather a philosophical transition stage (p. 37)». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 76. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 77. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 75. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 77-78. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 79. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 79-80. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 112. «It is idle to speculate how Justin interpreted Gen. I,1 “In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth”. It is equally uncertain whether Justin believed in the eternity of matter in the Platonic sense as an antithesis to God. We must be content to state that Justin had no particular theory of the origin and nature of matter». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 85-89. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 99. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 106-110. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). «VIII. The Holy Spirit and the Trinity». Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. p. 102. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). «VIII. The Holy Spirit and the Trinity». Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. p. 105. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 113. «Man, Justin held, was created from the material elements. He was endowed with a soul which included his non-physical constitution with the exception of the reason-and this soul was the seat of his personality. Life and reason were however imparted to the soul by a divine element». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 114. «The universal logos is present in all men and brings inspiration and perception of spiritual truth» y «It would therefore seem that Justin believed in the traditional threefold division of human nature-body, soul and πνεῦμα». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 113. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 114. «Justin held firmly to a belief in man's moral dreedom (…) Each man by his own free choice does right or wrong. Man's responsibility lies in his power of choice–and in this alone (…) If this human freedom did not exist then men could be neither rewarded nor punished and the moral structure of the universe would collapse». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 121. «Justin's theory of the Incarnation is not systematised and to later ages, must have appeared somewhat naive and ill balanced. Yet we must never forget that Justin was a pioneer Apologist and, considering the pitfalls into which he might have fallen, it is all to his credit that he maintained so strongly that Jesus Christ was both divine and human». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 122-125. «In strict logic his philosophical presuppositions, which controlled his intellectual apprehension of Christianity, had no place for any objective theory of the Atonement. The fact that he has so much to say about the Cross and what it had effected is a strong proof that the Church of his day held this belief». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 160. «anxiety over the delay in the Parousia seems to have left but little trace in early Christian literature». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 165. «It is a hopeless task to reconcile this belief in an earthly millennium in Jerusalem with Justin's other opinion that the new Jerusalem will be an immediate, spiritual, eternal land or inheritance». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 134. «Justin's account of the Christian sacraments (…) is of great importance and is the fullest description we posses of second-century rites». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 129. «(…) that the Church is a supernatural society founded by the apostles in Christ's name». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 127. «(…) important to note that Justin openly claimed that he was a representative of the great body of Christians and that he had received his Christianity from the Church of the preceding age». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 129. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 136. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 135. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 147. «Justin refers explicitly in this passage to the incarnation of the divine logos in the flesh and blood of Jesus (…) So in the Eucharist there is a further action of the logos such that the elements of bread and wine become united with the logos and so become the flesh and blood of the incarnate Jesus». 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 58. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 59. 
  • Barnard, Leslie William (1967). Justin Martyr (en inglés). Cambridge University Press. pp. 6. 



