«Weddings». The News Journal. 29 de julio de 1982. Consultado el 30 de noviembre de 2022.
Page, Susan (16 de marzo de 2017). «Groundbreaking congresswoman on race, gender and the Joe Biden Hybrid». USA Today. Archivado desde el original el 18 de marzo de 2017. «For my swearing-in, I carried this with me. Part of this was to remember how far we've come, that a former slave's great-great-granddaughter is now a congresswoman.»
Page, Susan (16 de marzo de 2017). «Groundbreaking congresswoman on race, gender and the Joe Biden Hybrid». USA Today. Archivado desde el original el 18 de marzo de 2017. «For my swearing-in, I carried this with me. Part of this was to remember how far we've come, that a former slave's great-great-granddaughter is now a congresswoman.»