Porter, 1994, pp. 525-527. Porter, Roy (1994). «Thomas Hodgkin: Morbid Anatomist and Social Activist by Louis Rosenfeld». Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies(en inglés) (The North American Conference on British Studies) 26 (3): 525-527. ISSN0095-1390. JSTOR4052631. doi:10.2307/4052631.
Porter, 1994, pp. 525-527. Porter, Roy (1994). «Thomas Hodgkin: Morbid Anatomist and Social Activist by Louis Rosenfeld». Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies(en inglés) (The North American Conference on British Studies) 26 (3): 525-527. ISSN0095-1390. JSTOR4052631. doi:10.2307/4052631.
Porter, 1994, pp. 525-527. Porter, Roy (1994). «Thomas Hodgkin: Morbid Anatomist and Social Activist by Louis Rosenfeld». Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies(en inglés) (The North American Conference on British Studies) 26 (3): 525-527. ISSN0095-1390. JSTOR4052631. doi:10.2307/4052631.