Simpson, J.H., Fisher, N.R., and Wiles, P. (2004). «Reynolds Stress and TKE Production in an Estuary with a Tidal Bore». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science60 (4): 619-27. Bibcode:2004ECSS...60..619S. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2004.03.006. «during this […] deployment, the [ADCP] instrument was repeatedly buried in sediment after the 1st tidal cycle and had to be dug out of the sediment, with considerable difficulty, at the time of recovery.»
"Pororoca: surfing the Amazon" indicates that "The record that we could find for surfing the longest distance on the Pororoca was set by Picuruta Salazar, a brazilian surfer who, in 2003, managed to ride the wave for 37 minutes and travel 12.5 km."
Simpson, J.H., Fisher, N.R., and Wiles, P. (2004). «Reynolds Stress and TKE Production in an Estuary with a Tidal Bore». Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science60 (4): 619-27. Bibcode:2004ECSS...60..619S. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2004.03.006. «during this […] deployment, the [ADCP] instrument was repeatedly buried in sediment after the 1st tidal cycle and had to be dug out of the sediment, with considerable difficulty, at the time of recovery.»
Real Academia Española. «Macareo». Diccionario de la lengua española (23.ª edición).Intumescencia grande que, en la desembocadura de ciertos ríos y rompiendo con estrépito y velocidad extraordinaria cauce arriba, levantan las aguas del mar durante las mareas más vivas.