Midtown Houston (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Midtown Houston" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
low place
low place
low place
low place
599th place
991st place
24th place
40th place
2,760th place
3,885th place




  • Downing, Margaret. "Backlash Upon Backlash at HISD." Houston Press. Miércoles 3 de diciembre de 2008. Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2015. "J. Will Jones Elementary is 101 years old, the only public elementary left in Midtown, and before they shut it down, you should know that it's a pretty good school and one that defies most notions you might hold about what's needed to improve education."


  • "Midtown." Visit Houston Texas, Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau. Consultado el 20 de agosto de 2015.
