Raanan Rein , "Argentina, Israel, and the Jews: Perón, the Eichmann Capture and After" (2002) p. 402 [Traducido:] A lo largo de la década de 1960, Tacuara se inspiró adicionalmente para sus puntos de vista antisemitas y antiisraelíes de los contactos tanto con organizaciones neonazis en otros países como con Hussein Triki, el representante de la Liga Árabe en Buenos Aires, quien promovió el antisemitismo bajo la cobertura del antisionismo. y como parte de la lucha anticolonialista y antiimperialista. Triki dijo a los círculos católicos en Argentina que los lugares sagrados cristianos en Israel estaban siendo profanados y que la Iglesia católica era perseguida allí” (supuestanente). Durante los años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Triki había sido miembro del movimiento nacionalista en Túnez. Tras la victoria aliada en "El Alamein", Triki escapó al territorio controlado por los nazis donde difundió propaganda contra los Aliados, colaborando con el Mufti de Jerusalén, Haj Amin El-Husseini, que en ese momento dirigía las transmisiones de propaganda nazi en Oriente Medio.
Bi-weekly, Volume 30, 1963, p.5 ... at the UN to praise the Tacuara for proclaiming a crusade against Zionism and Jews. The answer by Argentina's delegate to the UN, Garcia del Solar, to the paean of praise to genocide by Ahmad Shukairy, the Saudi Arabian delegate, was prompt and biting. He declared... My delegation feels that the contribution of Argentina to the strengthening and progress of the freedoms of mans, his happiness and survival, are more worthy to be mentioned than the genocidal intention attributed to a group of Nazis, on which the delegate of Saudi Arabia saluted my country.
Nazis in Argentina | Library of Congress (Published 1962 Aug. 20)Photographs show members of two Nazi youth groups in Argentina, the Tacuara and the Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista. Includes members of the Tacuara in combat training outside Buenos Aires; Guardia members holding meetings; portraits of the leaders of both groups, including Tacuara leaders José Baxter and Alberto Ezcurra Uriburu, Guardia spiritual advisor Rev. Julio Meinvielle and Juan Carlos Coria, head of Guardia. Photos also show some views in Buenos Aires: a swastika painted on a city wall, a street sign smeared with tar, people walking in front of a department store advertising a close-out sale.Contributor NamesHarrington, Phillip, photographerCreated / Published 1962 Aug. 20 (date added to Look's library) Subject Headings- Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Tacuara (Argentina)--People.- Guardia Restauradora Nacionalista (Argentina)--People.- Argentines--Political activity.- National socialists.- Youth organizations.- Argentina.- Argentina.
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. December 7, 1962. p.10.Arabs Head Drive for Saudi Arabia to Remove UN Envoy Claim. Ahmad Shukairy Embarrasses Moderates Urged Tacuara Salute.. A move for the recall by Saudi Arabia of its permanent representative to the United Nations, Ahmad Shukairy, was under way here, with Arab diplomats heading the drive. The desire for Shukairy's removal from the UN scene, long contemplated by more moderate Arabs here, gained heavy impetus here after the official Saudi Arabian spokesman declared openly a "salute" to the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement in Argentina and proposed that the UN "adopt" the Tacuara movement. Shukairy's "salute" to the Tacuara movement was voiced last Friday before the General Assembly's Special Political Committee which is currently debating the Arab issue. Lucio Garcia del Solar, Argentine representative in the committee, immediately objected to the Shukairy "salute," telling the United Nations that his people and Government reject everything that Tacuara advocates.Arab Diplomats Apologize. Embarrassed Arab diplomats, annoyed for many years by Shukairy's intemperate attacks against Israel and Jews, let it be known that they are asking the Saudi Government to take Shukairy away from the UN. Some of the Arab diplomats apologized personally not only to Argentinians here but also to other Latin Americans, volubly assuring all that they felt Shukairy had gone much too far in his anti-Israeli drive by endorsing an open neo-Nazi movement like Tacuara. A sharp protest against Shukairy's endorsement of Tacuara was received here by Dr. Leopoldo Benites, of Ecuador, chairman of the committee in which Shukairy called for the "adoption" of Tacuara. The protest came from Label A. Katz. president of the International Council of B'nai B'rith, who visited Argentina last summer and probed into the neo-Nazi movement there. Chile Rebukes Arab Delegate at UN for "Saluting" Tacuara UNITED NATIONS (JTA) Ahmad Shukairy, head of the Saudi Arabian delegation here who, last Friday lauded the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement of Argentina and proposed that the United Nations "adopt" Tacuara, was sharply reprimanded here by a Chilean diplomat who said that all Latin Americans reject such racism.
Canadian Jewish review, January 11, 1963, page 1. "Diplomats At U. N. Speak Privately At Envoy Of Saudi Arabia For Recent Attack On Jews A.J.C. Told."Saudi Arabia's. ambassador urged the UN to indorse and adopt ..proclaimed by Tacuara, the anti Jewish Fascist-movement in Argentina...He offered a "salute" to Argentina for being the home of neo-Nazi organizations. Argentine Ambassador Lucio del Solar, apparently embarrassed by Mr. Shukairy's snow of support of the Nazi organizations in his country, which the Argentine government has openly denounced, told the Saudi Arabian diplomat that his "salute" was unwelcome.