Richter, Dorothy A. (1987). «Barre granite quarries, Barre, Vermont». Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide—Northeastern Section5: 239-242. ISBN0-8137-5405-4. doi:10.1130/0-8137-5405-4.239.
«Historic American Engineering Record Essex Mill NJ-6». National American Engineering Record (National Park Service Department of the Interior Washington D.C. 20240): 3. «The Essex Mill is historic as the first new mill site leased by the Society for Establishing Useful Manufacturers, and as the scene of some of the earliest experiments with continuous paper manufacture in the United States.»
Technology choice in a global industry : the case of the twin-wire in Canada, Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin, 1989
Thesis (Ph.D.) – Simon Fraser University, 1990,