Muñoz Garmendia, Félix; Navarro Aranda, Carmen; Quintanar Sánchez, Alejandro; Herrero Nieto, Alberto; Buira Clua, Antoni (2015). «CXXXI. Apocynaceae». Flora Iberica: Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Rhamnaceae-Polygalaceae 9. Madrid: Real Jardín Botánico y Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. p. 103. ISBN978-84-00-09884-1.
Brickell, Christopher; Joyce, David (1996). Pruning and Training(en inglés). EE. UU.: American Horticultural Society. p. 209. «The sap is toxic, so gloves should be worn when pruning.»
Herrera, J. (1991). «The reproductive biology of a riparian Mediterranean shrub, Nerium oleander L.(Apocynaceae)». Botanical journal of the Linnean Society(en inglés)106 (2): 147-172. Consultado el 10 de septiembre de 2016. «All flowers from any population lacked nectar disks. Close examination revealed no trace of either nectar or any other substance which might act as a reward. [...] The most outstanding pollination-related features of N. oleander can be summarized as follows: there is a massive flower display of large, scantily aromatic, long-lasting (up to 7 days if unpollinated), tubular, although nectarless flowers. Insect visits are rare, and percent fruit-set low in spite of full self-compatibility. All these circumstances taken together point to the plant relying on 'false advertising' (Slater & Calder, 1988) for pollination. That cheating is not restricted to pollinators is demonstrated by the fact that most people have to be persuaded that such a 'showy and elaborate' flower is nectarless [...]».
Tayoub, G.; Sulaiman, H.; Alorfi, M. (2014). «Analysis of oleandrin in oleander extract (Nerium oleander) by HPLC». Journal of Natural Products(en inglés)7: 73-78. ISSN0974-5211. Consultado el 10 de septiembre de 2016. «The highest concentration of oleandrin was in the roots, followed by leaves, stems and flowers, respectively.»
Tayoub, G.; Sulaiman, H.; Alorfi, M. (2014). «Analysis of oleandrin in oleander extract (Nerium oleander) by HPLC». Journal of Natural Products(en inglés)7: 73-78. ISSN0974-5211. Consultado el 10 de septiembre de 2016. «The highest concentration of oleandrin was in the roots, followed by leaves, stems and flowers, respectively.»