Zemlicka, Martina (2001). «Ein Interview mit Lama Ole Nydahl». Buddhismus Heute (Buddhistischen Dachverband Diamantweg der Karma Kagü Linie e. V.) (32). Consultado el 17 de febrero de 2012.
Oliver Freiberger, Department for the Study of Religion
University of Bayreuth, Germany, in Inter-Buddhist and Inter-Religious Relations in the West see [5]Archivado el 2 de febrero de 2015 en Wayback Machine.
«Hannah». Archivado desde el original el 23 de diciembre de 2014. Consultado el 22 de diciembre de 2014.
Peljor, Tenzin (20 de abril de 2007). «Lama Ole Nydahl - Diamantweg Buddhismus». Tibetischer Buddhismus. www.info-buddhismus.de. Consultado el 17 de febrero de 2012.
Otras cartas de reconocimiento de Shamar Rinpoche y otros lamas tradicionales [2]Archivado el 9 de febrero de 2009 en Wayback Machine.
Affidavit of Professor Geoffrey Brian Samuel, Lama vs. Hope and Ors, CIV-2004-404-001363, High Court of New Zealand Auckland Registry, November 11, 2004, submitted as part of a court case concerning a contest for a property run as a Karma Kagyu Buddhist center (negating the claim that there is a historical precedent for the Dalai Lama to recognise the Karmapa) [3]
Court decision, Lama vs. Hope and Ors, CIV-2004-404-001363, High Court of New Zealand Auckland Registry, March 10, 2005. The case was judged in favour of the Plaintiff, Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, on the basis of Geoffrey Samuel’s affidavit (above)[4]
Oliver Freiberger, Department for the Study of Religion
University of Bayreuth, Germany, in Inter-Buddhist and Inter-Religious Relations in the West see [5]Archivado el 2 de febrero de 2015 en Wayback Machine.