수정: 2015.11.22 22:34, 입력: 2015 11 22 22:31 (22 de noviembre de 2015). «진보 4개 정당·단체 통합 ‘정의당’ 출범». www.khan.co.kr(en coreano). Consultado el 17 de diciembre de 2021.
Jun-tae, Ko (10 de marzo de 2022). «Justice Party candidate accepts outcome, vows to work for change». The Korea Herald. Consultado el 10 de marzo de 2022. «Rep. Sim Sang-jung, the presidential candidate for the minor left-wing Justice Party, said she and her party accepted the outcome of the 20th presidential election as her share of the vote stood at 2.24 percent with 59 percent of votes counted.»
«Political community shocked by Seoul mayor's death». The Korea Times. 10 de julio de 2020. Consultado el 10 de marzo de 2022. «Releasing a brief statement, the minor left-wing Justice Party also expressed "bewilderment" as well as condolences over Park's death.»
구민정. «심상정, '개혁ㆍ노동 대통령' 강조». news.naver.com(en coreano). Consultado el 17 de diciembre de 2021.
Chung, Jane (12 de abril de 2017). «South Korea coal, nuclear power targeted for cuts by presidential candidates». Reuters. Consultado el 10 de marzo de 2022. «Policy experts for two other candidates - the conservative Bareun Party’s Yoo Seong-min and the left-wing Justice Party’s Sim Sang-jung - also said they would overhaul South Korea’s coal and nuclear energy policy.»
«Hanwha Total's chemical leak affects 650 people in South Korea». The Straits Times. Consultado el 22 de agosto de 2020. «Minor progressive Justice Party leader Lee Jeong-mi said the company's decision to assign workers unfamiliar with the task to replace those who are on strike was the root cause of the leaks.»