History Learning Site, Why America is a two-party state, Accessed Aug. 12, 2013, “...The American electoral system – winner-takes-all – guarantees that any third, fourth party etc has no chance of winning....”
honduras.com, ed. (2008). «Francisco Morazán». Archivado desde el original el 8 de julio de 2008. Consultado el 1 de abril de 2010.
Eric Black, Minnpost, October 8, 2012, Why the same two parties dominate our two-party system, Accessed Aug. 12, 2013, “...SMDP (single-member districts, plurality) voting system.... This forces those who might favor a minor party candidate to either vote for whichever of the two biggest parties the voter dislikes the least, or to risk the likelihood that their vote will be “wasted” or, worse, that they will end up helping the major-party candidate whom the voter dislikes the most to win. Minor parties aren’t banned, but they seldom produce a plurality winner, and their lack of success often causes the minor parties to wither and die....”
Jean Régnè, Les prodromes de la Révolution dans l'Ardèche et le Gard - la Révolte des Masques Armés dans le Bas-Vivarais pendant les années 1782-1783, fuente citada en Révolte des Masques Armés. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Les paysans de Languedoc, fuente citada en fr:Révolte de Roure