Polis (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Polis" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
5,088th place
361st place
160th place
9th place
287th place
217th place




  • Equivalentes a los castellum, castrum o burgus romanos. La identificación de los katoikia con establecimientos militares no es algo evidente: not every katoikia was necessarily a military settlement. It has become almost generally accepted that katoikia was a settlement in an intermediate stage between the polis and the kome, namely a community having all the traditional municipal institutions but not enjoying the privileges of a polis. [«no todas las katoikia eran necesariamente asentamientos militares. Se ha generalizado la idea de que la katoikia era un asentamiento intermedio entre la polis y la kome, es decir, una comunidad que disponía de todas las instituciones municipales tradicionales, pero que no gozaba de los privilegios de una polis.»] (Bar-Kochva, The Seleucid Army: Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns, p. 23). También se identifica katoikia con politeuma: «Tarn interpreted the terms as being sometimes equivalent to the Ptolemaic politeuma, i. e., quasi-autonomous corporations of non-Greeks nationalities in Greek cities, but this cannot apply to most of the katoikiai under consideration, wich vere obviously self-contained settlements and not just quarters of a city» (op. cit.). El verbo katoikein significa 'habitar' (op. cit.).
  • Además de en este texto, la expresión «crisis de la polis clásica» tiene en castellano uso historiográfico en textos de autores como Carlos García Gual (1991):
    Eurípides se anticipó a las maneras de sentir y pensar de la época helenística, y fue un precursor audaz y doliente de la nueva concepción del mundo y del individuo en la crisis de la polis clásica y su sistema de creencias y valores.

    Luis Agustín García Moreno (1980): «Esa supuesta crisis de la polis clásica; crisis que, como señalamos al principio, constituye el gran eje de toda la problemática historiográfica del siglo IV».

    Paul Veyne (citado en Domingo-Gygax, 1994): «La idea de que el evergetismo es el reflejo de una crisis de la polis clásica puede verse reforzada por cierta concepción del evergetismo monárquico» (p. 122).

    VV. AA., Central Greece and the Politics of Power in the Fourth Century BC, pg. 12:

    [...] if the koine eirene was merely a tool of power politics and hegemonic rivalry [...]. The crucial question is if a multipolar state environment was possible at all, of it is was impossible for the polis to survive in such a surronding. An answer to this question will be decisive for understanding the precise nature of the polis-crisis in the fourth century.

    Paraskevi Martzavou, Nikolaos Papazarkadas, Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-Classical Polis: Fourth Century BC to Second Century AD, Oxford University Press, 2013:

    epigraphy enables historical analysis of the postclassical polis (city-state) across a world of geographically dispersed poleis: from the Black Sea and Asia Minor to Sicily via the Aegean and mainland Greece [...] the modes of interaction between polis and ruling powers, the construction of ethnic and social identity, interstate and civil conflict and its resolution, social economics, institutional processes and privileges, polis representations, ethics, and, not least, religious phenomena [...] to identify the postclassical polis both as a reality and as a constructed concept, not only a monolithic block, but a result of tension in the exercise of different kinds of powers.

    Kostas Vlassopoulos, Unthinking the Greek Polis: Ancient Greek History beyond Eurocentrism, Cambridge University Press, 2007:

    [M]odern scholars came to write Greek history from a Eurocentric perspective and challenges orthodox readings of Greek history as part of the history of the West. Since the Greeks lacked a national state or a unified society, economy or culture, the polis has helped to create a homogenising national narrative. [...] old polarities such as those between the Greek poleis and Eastern monarchies, or between the ancient consumer and the modern producer city, [...] the relevance of Aristotle's concept of the polis [...] Greek history as part of a Mediterranean world-system.
  • Ríos Pedraza, F.; Haya Segovia, F. (2009). «La filosofía antigua». En Amodeo Escribano, M.; Scott Blacud, E.; López Vera, E. et al., eds. Historia de la Filosofía. San Fernando de Henares: Oxford Univesity Press España, Sociedad Anónima. p. 16. ISBN 9788467351477. Consultado el 18 de mayo de 2017. 
  • VV. AA., La crisis de la polis clásica, en Horizonte: Historia y Geografía, pg. 56 y ss., Vicens Vives-Andres Bello, 1996, ISBN 8431635223.



  • Real Academia Española. «polis». Diccionario de la lengua española (23.ª edición). 
  • También expresa un concepto individual: «dominio de sí mismo». Real Academia Española. «autarquía». Diccionario de la lengua española (23.ª edición).