Naguib, M.; Gottumukkala, V.; Goldstein, PA. (Jan 2007). «Melatonin and anesthesia: a clinical perspective.». J Pineal Res42 (1): 12-21. PMID17198534. doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2006.00384.x.
Cox, RG.; Nemish, U.; Ewen, A.; Crowe, MJ. (Dec 2006). «Evidence-based clinical update: does premedication with oral midazolam lead to improved behavioural outcomes in children?». Can J Anaesth53 (12): 1213-9. PMID17142656. doi:10.1007/BF03021583.
Rosenbaum, A.; Kain, ZN.; Larsson, P.; Lönnqvist, PA.; Wolf, AR. (Sep 2009). «The place of premedication in pediatric practice.». Paediatr Anaesth19 (9): 817-28. PMID19691689. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2009.03114.x.
Dahmani, S.; Brasher, C.; Stany, I.; Golmard, J.; Skhiri, A.; Bruneau, B.; Nivoche, Y.; Constant, I. et al. (Jan 2010). «Premedication with clonidine is superior to benzodiazepines. A meta analysis of published studies». Acta Anaesthesiol Scand54 (4): 397-402. PMID20085541. doi:10.1111/j.1399-6576.2009.02207.x.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Bozkurt, P. (Jun 2007). «Premedication of the pediatric patient - anesthesia for the uncooperative child». Curr Opin Anesthesiol20 (3): 211-5. PMID17479023. doi:10.1097/ACO.0b013e328105e0dd.
Mencía, SB.; López-Herce, JC.; Freddi, N. (May 2007). «Analgesia and sedation in children: practical approach for the most frequent situations». J Pediatr (Rio J)83 (2 Suppl): S71-82. PMID17530139. doi:10.2223/JPED.1625.
Naguib, M.; Gottumukkala, V.; Goldstein, PA. (Jan 2007). «Melatonin and anesthesia: a clinical perspective.». J Pineal Res42 (1): 12-21. PMID17198534. doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2006.00384.x.
Cox, RG.; Nemish, U.; Ewen, A.; Crowe, MJ. (Dec 2006). «Evidence-based clinical update: does premedication with oral midazolam lead to improved behavioural outcomes in children?». Can J Anaesth53 (12): 1213-9. PMID17142656. doi:10.1007/BF03021583.
Rosenbaum, A.; Kain, ZN.; Larsson, P.; Lönnqvist, PA.; Wolf, AR. (Sep 2009). «The place of premedication in pediatric practice.». Paediatr Anaesth19 (9): 817-28. PMID19691689. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2009.03114.x.
Dahmani, S.; Brasher, C.; Stany, I.; Golmard, J.; Skhiri, A.; Bruneau, B.; Nivoche, Y.; Constant, I. et al. (Jan 2010). «Premedication with clonidine is superior to benzodiazepines. A meta analysis of published studies». Acta Anaesthesiol Scand54 (4): 397-402. PMID20085541. doi:10.1111/j.1399-6576.2009.02207.x.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Bozkurt, P. (Jun 2007). «Premedication of the pediatric patient - anesthesia for the uncooperative child». Curr Opin Anesthesiol20 (3): 211-5. PMID17479023. doi:10.1097/ACO.0b013e328105e0dd.
Mencía, SB.; López-Herce, JC.; Freddi, N. (May 2007). «Analgesia and sedation in children: practical approach for the most frequent situations». J Pediatr (Rio J)83 (2 Suppl): S71-82. PMID17530139. doi:10.2223/JPED.1625.