Larntz, Kinley (1978). «Small-sample comparisons of exact levels for chi-squared goodness-of-fit statistics». Journal of the American Statistical Association73 (362): 253-263. JSTOR2286650. doi:10.2307/2286650.
Mehta, Cyrus R; Patel, Nitin R; Tsiatis, Anastasios A (1984). «Exact significance testing to establish treatment equivalence with ordered categorical data». Biometrics40 (3): 819-825. JSTOR2530927. PMID6518249. doi:10.2307/2530927.
Mehta C.R.; Patel N.R. (1983). «A Network Algorithm for Performing Fisher's Exact Test in r Xc Contingency Tables». Journal of the American Statistical Association78 (382): 427-434. doi:10.2307/2288652.
Cyrus R. Mehta; Nitin R. Patel (1986). «ALGORITHM 643: FEXACT: a FORTRAN subroutine for Fisher's exact test on unordered r×c contingency tables». ACM Trans. Math. Softw.12 (2): 154-161. doi:10.1145/6497.214326.
Larntz, Kinley (1978). «Small-sample comparisons of exact levels for chi-squared goodness-of-fit statistics». Journal of the American Statistical Association73 (362): 253-263. JSTOR2286650. doi:10.2307/2286650.
Mehta, Cyrus R; Patel, Nitin R; Tsiatis, Anastasios A (1984). «Exact significance testing to establish treatment equivalence with ordered categorical data». Biometrics40 (3): 819-825. JSTOR2530927. PMID6518249. doi:10.2307/2530927.
Mehta, Cyrus R; Patel, Nitin R; Tsiatis, Anastasios A (1984). «Exact significance testing to establish treatment equivalence with ordered categorical data». Biometrics40 (3): 819-825. JSTOR2530927. PMID6518249. doi:10.2307/2530927. Page giving the formula for the general form of Fisher's exact test for m × n contingency tables