«About Basic Income» [Acerca de la Renta Básica](html). Red Global de Renta Básica(en inglés). 21 de junio de 2008. Archivado desde el original el 21 de junio de 2008. Consultado el 24 de marzo de 2020. «A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. It is a form of minimum income guarantee that differs from those that now exist in various European countries in three important ways: it is being paid to individuals rather than households; it is paid irrespective of any income from other sources; it is paid without requiring the performance of any work or the willingness to accept a job if offered.»
«About Basic Income» [Acerca de la Renta Básica](html). Red Global de Renta Básica(en inglés). 21 de junio de 2008. Archivado desde el original el 21 de junio de 2008. Consultado el 24 de marzo de 2020. «A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. It is a form of minimum income guarantee that differs from those that now exist in various European countries in three important ways: it is being paid to individuals rather than households; it is paid irrespective of any income from other sources; it is paid without requiring the performance of any work or the willingness to accept a job if offered.»