Rob Lemke (17 de agosto de 2023). «In May Jirgui». Consultado el 24 de octubre de 2023. «In the centre of the square of May Jirgui, a Nigérien town on the edge of the Sahel, five hundred miles east of the capital, Niamey, are the graves of two French soldiers who were shot dead at the spot in July 1899. Captain Paul Voulet and Lieutenant Julien Chanoine led one of the most brutal military campaigns in colonial history. More than twenty thousand Africans were killed in a six-month operation at the height of Europe’s so-called Scramble for Africa that secured for France the territory that is now Niger.»
Nwokorie, Lynn (16 October 2020). "African Apocalypse". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on 8 October 2020. Consultado el 24 de octubre de 2023