Ghedini, Alessandro (24 de septiembre de 2018). «Encrypt it or lose it: how encrypted SNI works»(html). Cloudflare blog(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 24 de septiembre de 2018. Consultado el 12 de junio de 2019. «This means that an on-path observer (say, an ISP, coffee shop owner, or a firewall) can intercept the plaintext ClientHello message, and determine which website the client is trying to connect to. That allows the observer to track which sites a user is visiting.»
Stenberg, Daniel (1 de marzo de 2019). «Re: Support of Encrypted SNI»(html). curl haxx(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 21 de abril de 2019. Consultado el 17 de mayo de 2019. «ESNI basically requires some DNS records to be able to encrypt the SNI field in the TLS handshake. In order to get to those records, we need to query a resolver and for that we either need DOH support (just like Firefox) since then we can fiddle with DNS packet directly and they are encrypted over the wire - or possibly we need a build using c-ares that also offer the necessary DNS functions.»
Ghedini, Alessandro (24 de septiembre de 2018). «Encrypt it or lose it: how encrypted SNI works»(html). Cloudflare blog(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 24 de septiembre de 2018. Consultado el 12 de junio de 2019. «This means that an on-path observer (say, an ISP, coffee shop owner, or a firewall) can intercept the plaintext ClientHello message, and determine which website the client is trying to connect to. That allows the observer to track which sites a user is visiting.»
Stenberg, Daniel (1 de marzo de 2019). «Re: Support of Encrypted SNI»(html). curl haxx(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 21 de abril de 2019. Consultado el 17 de mayo de 2019. «ESNI basically requires some DNS records to be able to encrypt the SNI field in the TLS handshake. In order to get to those records, we need to query a resolver and for that we either need DOH support (just like Firefox) since then we can fiddle with DNS packet directly and they are encrypted over the wire - or possibly we need a build using c-ares that also offer the necessary DNS functions.»