Siete mares (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Siete mares" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
1st place
1st place
3rd place
7th place
6,026th place
5,207th place
14th place
19th place
1,151st place
449th place
332nd place
408th place
low place
low place
230th place
247th place
low place
low place
2,317th place
1,688th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,573rd place
2,672nd place

  • «All those rivers and trenches were first made by the Etruscans, thus discharging the flow of the river across the marshes of the Atriani called the Seven Seas, with the famous harbor of the Etruscan town of Atria which formerly gave the name of Atriatic to the sea now called the Adriatic». Plinio el Viejo. «16». Historia Naturalis.  [1]

  • Lightfoot, John. «4». A Chorographical Century. Archivado desde el original el 15 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2009.  |autor= y |apellido= redundantes (ayuda)

  • «Whoever wants to go to China must cross seven seas, each one with its own color and wind and fish and breeze, completely unlike the sea that lies beside it. The first of them is the Sea of Fars, which men sail setting out from Siraf. It ends at Ra’s al-Jumha; it is a strait where pearls are fished. The second sea begins at Ra’s al-Jumha and is called Larwi. It is a big sea, and in it is the Island of Waqwaq and others that belong to the Zanj. These islands have kings. One can only sail this sea by the stars. It contains huge fish, and in it are many wonders and things that pass description. The third sea is called Harkand, and in it lies the Island of Sarandib, in which are precious stones and rubies. Here are islands with kings, but there is one king over them. In the islands of this sea grow bamboo and rattan. The fourth sea is called Kalah and is shallow and filled with huge serpents. Sometimes they ride the wind and smash ships. Here are islands where the camphor tree grows. The fifth sea is called Salahit and is very large and filled with wonders. The sixth sea is called Kardanj; it is very rainy. The seventh sea is called the sea of Sanji, also known as Kanjli. It is the sea of China; one is driven by the south wind until one reaches a freshwater bay, along which are fortified places and cities, until one reaches Khanfu.» Lunde, Paul (julio/August de 2005). «The Seas of Sindbad». Saudi Aramco World 56 (4). Archivado desde el original el 8 de febrero de 2007. Consultado el 27 de marzo de 2007.

  • «All those rivers and trenches were first made by the Etruscans, thus discharging the flow of the river across the marshes of the Atriani called the Seven Seas, with the famous harbor of the Etruscan town of Atria which formerly gave the name of Atriatic to the sea now called the Adriatic». Plinio el Viejo. «16». Historia Naturalis.  [1]

  • «Whoever wants to go to China must cross seven seas, each one with its own color and wind and fish and breeze, completely unlike the sea that lies beside it. The first of them is the Sea of Fars, which men sail setting out from Siraf. It ends at Ra’s al-Jumha; it is a strait where pearls are fished. The second sea begins at Ra’s al-Jumha and is called Larwi. It is a big sea, and in it is the Island of Waqwaq and others that belong to the Zanj. These islands have kings. One can only sail this sea by the stars. It contains huge fish, and in it are many wonders and things that pass description. The third sea is called Harkand, and in it lies the Island of Sarandib, in which are precious stones and rubies. Here are islands with kings, but there is one king over them. In the islands of this sea grow bamboo and rattan. The fourth sea is called Kalah and is shallow and filled with huge serpents. Sometimes they ride the wind and smash ships. Here are islands where the camphor tree grows. The fifth sea is called Salahit and is very large and filled with wonders. The sixth sea is called Kardanj; it is very rainy. The seventh sea is called the sea of Sanji, also known as Kanjli. It is the sea of China; one is driven by the south wind until one reaches a freshwater bay, along which are fortified places and cities, until one reaches Khanfu.» Lunde, Paul (julio/August de 2005). «The Seas of Sindbad». Saudi Aramco World 56 (4). Archivado desde el original el 8 de febrero de 2007. Consultado el 27 de marzo de 2007. 
  • «Tumasik Kingdom - Melayu Online». Archivado desde el original el 12 de marzo de 2009. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2009. 
  • « Seven Seas». Archivado desde el original el 13 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 1 de junio de 2015. 
  • Lightfoot, John. «4». A Chorographical Century. Archivado desde el original el 15 de mayo de 2008. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2009.  |autor= y |apellido= redundantes (ayuda)