Sionismo (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Sionismo" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
1st place
1st place
160th place
9th place
40th place
52nd place
1,567th place
2,076th place
3rd place
7th place
489th place
509th place
5th place
10th place
1,008th place
760th place
6th place
5th place
low place
low place
low place
6,865th place
low place
low place
low place
2,227th place
low place
low place
5,154th place
8,130th place
113th place
664th place
57th place
3rd place
low place
low place

  • Said, Edward W. (Abril de 1992). «1». The Question of Palestine (2 edición). pp. 3-25. ISBN 0-679-73988-2.

  • "An international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel." ("Zionism," Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary). See also "Zionism", Encyclopedia Britannica, which describes it as a "Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el, “the Land of Israel”)," and The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, which defines it as "A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel."

  • «The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Jewish State, by Theodor Herzl.». Consultado el 11 de octubre de 2024. «Hence, if all or any of the French Jews protest against this scheme on account of their own "assimilation," my answer is simple: The whole thing does not concern them at all. They are Jewish Frenchmen, well and good! This is a private affair for the Jews alone. The movement towards the organization of the State I am proposing would, of course, harm Jewish Frenchmen no more than it would harm the "assimilated" of other countries. It would, on the contrary, be distinctly to their advantage. For they would no longer be disturbed in their "chromatic function," as Darwin puts it, but would be able to assimilate in peace, because the present Anti-Semitism would have been stopped for ever. They would certainly be credited with being assimilated to the very depths of their souls, if they stayed where they were after the new Jewish State, with its superior institutions, had become a reality. The "assimilated" would profit even more than Christian citizens by the departure of faithful Jews; for they would be rid of the disquieting, incalculable, and unavoidable rivalry of a Jewish proletariat, driven by poverty and political pressure from place to place, from land to land. This floating proletariat would become stationary. [Por lo tanto, si todos o algunos de los judíos franceses protestan contra este plan a causa de su propia «asimilación», mi respuesta es sencilla: El asunto no les concierne en absoluto. Son judíos franceses, ¡bien! Se trata de un asunto privado que sólo concierne a los judíos. El movimiento hacia la organización del Estado que propongo no perjudicaría, por supuesto, a los franceses judíos más de lo que perjudicaría a los «asimilados» de otros países. Por el contrario, sería claramente ventajoso para ellos. Porque ya no se verían perturbados en su «función cromática», como dice Darwin, sino que podrían asimilarse en paz, porque el antisemitismo actual habría cesado para siempre. Ciertamente se les acreditaría como asimilados hasta lo más profundo de sus almas, si se quedaran donde estaban después de que el nuevo Estado judío, con sus instituciones superiores, se hubiera hecho realidad. Los «asimilados» se beneficiarían aún más que los ciudadanos cristianos con la partida de los judíos fieles, pues se librarían de la inquietante, incalculable e inevitable rivalidad de un proletariado judío, empujado de un lugar a otro, de una tierra a otra, por la pobreza y la presión política. Este proletariado flotante se convertiría en estacionario]».

  • Real Academia Española. «sionismo». Diccionario de la lengua española (23.ª edición).

  • Real Academia Española (2005). «kibutz». Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid: Santillana. Consultado el 26 de agosto de 2010. «Es invariable en plural, pues el añadido de una -s (*kibutzs) conformaría una secuencia impronunciable en español (...). No deben aplicarse en español reglas morfológicas de otras lenguas, por lo que no se admite el plural *kibutzim, que presenta la terminación propia del hebreo para formar el plural de los sustantivos masculinos.»