Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Superdotación intelectual" in Spanish language version.
"Females tend to do better overall on IQ tests; they average out at about 100, while men average about 99," Hameister says. "Also, more men are mentally retarded. But when you look at IQs at 135 and above, you see more men."
Corolario 1 del Teorema 4.10. Dice que si X e Y son variables aleatorias independientes, con covarianza nula, entonces la varianza de una combinación lineal (a.X+b.Y) será la suma de "a" al cuadrado por la varianza de X, más "b" al cuadrado por la varianza de Y. Aplicando esto al caso genético que nos ocupa, serían a=b=0,5 siendo (X+Y)/2 la inteligencia de una mujer obtenida como media aritmética de sus dos genes. Siendo: a . a = b . b = 0,5 . 0,5 = 0,25 y sacando 0,25 factor común, tras sumar las dos varianzas iguales de X e Y, quedará la varianza de la media como la mitad de la varianza de un solo gen. La desviación típica es la raíz cuadrada de la varianza.
"The theory I have advanced to explain these race differences in IQ is that when early humans migrated from Africa into Eurasia they encountered the difficulty of survival during cold winters. This problem was especially severe during the ice ages. Plant foods were not available for much of the year and survival required the hunting and dismembering of large animals for food and the ability to make tools, weapons and clothing, to build shelters and make fires. These problems required higher intelligence and exerted selection pressure for enhanced intelligence, particularly on the Orientals. "