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Qi, Xingliang; Ji, Shuang; Zhang, Jing; Lu, Wanyong; Sluiter, Judith K.; Deng, Huihua (1 de noviembre de 2016). «Correlation of emotional labor and cortisol concentration in hair among female kindergarten teachers». International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health90 (1): 117-122. ISSN0340-0131. PMID27804039. doi:10.1007/s00420-016-1179-6.
Vincent, Carol; Braun, Annette (21 de junio de 2012). «Being 'fun' at work: emotional labour, class, gender and childcare». British Educational Research Journal39 (4): 751-768. ISSN0141-1926. doi:10.1080/01411926.2012.680433.
Andrew, Yarrow (4 de julio de 2015). «'I'm strong within myself': gender, class and emotional capital in childcare». British Journal of Sociology of Education36 (5): 651-668. ISSN0142-5692. doi:10.1080/01425692.2013.835711.
Lee, Raymond T.; Brotheridge, Céleste M. (16 de agosto de 2011). «Words from the heart speak to the heart». Career Development International16 (4): 401-420. ISSN1362-0436. doi:10.1108/13620431111158805.
Edwards, Lisa Nyree (26 de noviembre de 2015). «Looking after the teachers: exploring the emotional labour experienced by teachers of looked after children». Educational Psychology in Practice32 (1): 54-72. ISSN0266-7363. doi:10.1080/02667363.2015.1112256.
Grandey, Alicia A. (2000). «Emotion regulation in the workplace: A new way to conceptualize emotional labor». Journal of Occupational Health Psychology5 (1): 59-100. PMID10658889. doi:10.1037/1076-8998.5.1.95.
Qi, Xingliang; Ji, Shuang; Zhang, Jing; Lu, Wanyong; Sluiter, Judith K.; Deng, Huihua (1 de noviembre de 2016). «Correlation of emotional labor and cortisol concentration in hair among female kindergarten teachers». International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health90 (1): 117-122. ISSN0340-0131. PMID27804039. doi:10.1007/s00420-016-1179-6.