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«Overcoming policy cacophony on obesity: an ecological public health framework for policymakers». Obesity Reviews8 (1): 165-81. March 2007. PMID17316322. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789x.2007.00338.x.
«The Nutrition Transition and Obesity in the Developing World». The Journal of Nutrition131 (3): 871-873. 2001. PMID11238777. doi:10.1093/jn/131.3.871S.
«Nutrition in transition: the changing global nutrition challenge». Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition10 (Supplement): S13-8. 2001. PMID11708577. doi:10.1046/j.1440-6047.2001.00211.x.
«An overview on the nutrition transition and its health implications: the Bellagio meeting». Public Health Nutrition5 (1A): 93-103. February 2002. PMID12027297. doi:10.1079/phn2001280.
«Obesity and inequities in health in the developing world». International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders28 (9): 1181-6. September 2004. PMID15211362. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802716.
«A nutrition paradox--underweight and obesity in developing countries». The New England Journal of Medicine352 (15): 1514-6. April 2005. PMID15829531. doi:10.1056/nejmp048310.
«Poverty, obesity, and malnutrition: an international perspective recognizing the paradox». Journal of the American Dietetic Association107 (11): 1966-72. November 2007. PMID17964317. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2007.08.007.
«Obesity trends in Latin America: transiting from under- to overweight». The Journal of Nutrition131 (3): 893S-899S. March 2001. PMID11238781. doi:10.1093/jn/131.3.893S.
«Obesity and the metabolic syndrome in developing countries». The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism93 (11 Suppl 1): S9-30. November 2008. PMID18987276. doi:10.1210/jc.2008-1595.
«Should health policy focus on physical activity rather than obesity? Yes». BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.)340 (7757): 1170-1171. May 2010. PMID20501586. doi:10.1136/bmj.c2603.
«The shift in stages of the nutrition transition in the developing world differs from past experiences!». Public Health Nutrition5 (1A): 205-14. February 2002. PMID12027286. doi:10.1079/PHN2001295.
«Assessing diet and lifestyle in the Canadian Arctic Inuit and Inuvialuit to inform a nutrition and physical activity intervention programme». Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics23 (Suppl 1): 5-17. October 2010. PMID21158957. doi:10.1111/j.1365-277X.2010.01093.x.
«The relationship of the burbot (Lota lota L.) to the reintroduction of off-the-land foods in the Sandy Lake First Nation Community». Biodemography and Social Biology55 (1): 12-29. 2008. PMID19835098. doi:10.1080/19485560903054630.