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Uher R, McGuffin P (enero de 2010). «The moderation by the serotonin transporter gene of environmental adversity in the etiology of depression: 2009 update». Mol. Psychiatry15 (1): 18-22. PMID20029411. doi:10.1038/mp.2009.123.
Arnone D, McIntosh AM, Ebmeier KP, Munafò MR, Anderson IM (julio de 2011). «Magnetic resonance imaging studies in unipolar depression: Systematic review and meta-regression analyses». Eur Neuropsychopharmacol22 (1): 1-16. PMID21723712. doi:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2011.05.003.
Herrmann LL, Le Masurier M, Ebmeier KP (2008). «White matter hyperintensities in late life depression: a systematic review». Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry79 (6): 619-24. PMID17717021. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2007.124651.
Douma, S.L, Husband, C., O'Donnell, M.E., Barwin, B.N., Woodend A.K. (2005). «Estrogen-related Mood Disorders Reproductive Life Cycle Factors». Advances in Nursing Science28 (4): 364-375. PMID16292022. doi:10.1097/00012272-200510000-00008.
Lasiuk, GC and Hegadoren, KM (2007). «The Effects of Estradiol on Central Serotonergic Systems and Its Relationship to Mood in Women». Biological Research for Nursing (2007),9 (2): 147-160. PMID17909167. doi:10.1177/1099800407305600.
Dowlati Y, Herrmann N, Swardfager W, Liu H, Sham L, Reim EK, Lanctot KL (2010). «A meta-analysis of cytokines in major depression». Biological Psychiatry67 (5): 446-457. PMID20015486. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.09.033.
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